How to Reduce Cancerous Toxins From Your Family’s Diet

Since the end of the Second World War, an estimated 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into our food supply and environment. As a parent, this can leave you worried about family wellness; how will all those chemicals affect the wellbeing and development of your children? Toxins that you encounter from a variety of sources have been linked to cancer in alarming rates, so what can you do to keep your child and family safe?

1. Go anti antibiotics in animals. Purchasing foods that are raised without the use of medications and antibiotics can help you reduce the amount of toxins you consume in animal products. You can research this information on the internet, but it should be clearly written on the label as well.

2. Say Bye to BGH. Try to buy milk products which have not been made using the Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH).

3. Verify your vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables have more pesticide residues on them than others, but you can avoid these really risky foods by researching online. Search for “The Dirty Dozen” on the Environmental Working Group website at, where you can also find a full listing of pesticide-heavy produce.

4. Get rid of GMOs. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) at the moment, but the research indicates that production and consumption of genetically engineered foods can have a damaging impact on health and environmental wellness. You may not think this is something to worry about, but GMOs are more prevalent than you realise; up to 80% of processed foods sold in the US are produced using genetically engineered ingredients.

5. Flee from iffy fish. Fish containing mercury and PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, have been linked to lower IQ levels, so avoid fish with high mercury levels, such as swordfish and shark. The big fish may seem more impressive, but smaller fish, such as salmon and tilapia, are often safer. Also, make sure you choose fish that are caught in the wild, rather than raised on the farm. Visit or (and look under “Seafood Selector”) to find out more.

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