How to Guard Your Wellbeing Against Diabetes in Six Steps

Diabetes is a real health concern if it affects your wellness, but why let it get to that point? Why would you want to spend your life watching everything you eat and injecting yourself with insulin, when you could quite easily guard your wellbeing against the disease? Here are six ways you can prevent diabetes.


1) Weight management. If you’re overweight or obese, you have a greater chance of getting diabetes so try to stay within your recommended BMI.


2) Exercise. Not only does an active lifestyle help to keep your weight in check, but exercise is beneficial to your diabetes prevention – regardless of your size. Try walking or cycling to work, or taking up a new sport or activity that you enjoy.


3) A healthy diet. To keep diabetes at bay, you need to eat a balanced diet. This means getting a variety of vitamins, minerals, fats, protein, carbs, fruits and vegetables of all colours, whole-grain wheat, and fibre. You also need to stay away from fast food, as it raises your level of “bad” LDL cholesterol. Red meat is another harmful food for this reason, so try to eat it as little as possible, and instead opt for chicken or fish. However, Indian herbs, such as cinnamon and turmeric, have been shown to prevent diabetes. Coffee is also beneficial, as drinking three to five cups every day boosts your metabolism, and helps your body to break down and use sugar.


4) Sleep. Tiring out your body is a sure-fire way to develop diabetes, so make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep every night.


5) Relaxation. Diabetes is known to be exacerbated by tension and stress, so try to avoid tension or find ways to de-stress. Yoga or meditation first thing in the morning can help to set you up for the rest of the day.


6) Sun. When you expose your skin to direct sunlight, your cells produce vitamin D. Not only is this essential for bone health, but vitamin D helps your body to secrete insulin, boost the overall insulin content in your body and, thus, keep your blood sugar in check.

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