Preventing avian flu

As the avian flu (bird flu) virus is carried by birds, there is no way to prevent it from spreading. However, monitoring how wild birds migrate should give early warnings of the arrival of infected flocks.

This means that species of birds that are known to carry the infection could be targeted and collected on arrival to stop the virus spreading to other birds.

Flu jab

Current flu vaccinations do not provide protection against the H5N1 strain. Various worldwide health organisations are currently working together to produce a vaccine against avian flu.

General precautions

To reduce your risk of developing and passing on viral infections, such as flu, always ensure that you:

  • Wash your hands regularly, particularly after going to the toilet and before handling food.
  • Turn away from other people and cover your mouth with tissues when you cough or sneeze.
  • Dispose of tissues immediately after use and wash your hands with soap and warm water.
  • If you are ill, avoid public places and contact with children or people with underlying illnesses.
  • Tell the receptionist at your GP surgery (when you visit) about your symptoms so that you can be seated away from other people and given a surgical mask if necessary.
  • Make sure that you maintain a good level of general health and that you have  any recommended vaccinations, such as the pneumococcal vaccination and seasonal flu vaccine, if you are in a high-risk group, for example, if you have a long-term illness such as asthma or you are 65 or over.

Preparing meat

Avian flu is not transmitted through cooked food. It is safe to eat poultry and eggs in areas that have had outbreaks of bird flu.

As a precaution, always ensure good hygiene standards when preparing and cooking meat. For example:

  • Use different utensils for cooked and raw meat.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before and after handling meat.
  • Ensure that meat is thoroughly cooked and piping hot before serving.

Read more about bird flu and food.

Contact with birds

You can feed wild birds and ducks, but it is important to ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Do not go near sick or dead birds.

Call the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) helpline on 08459 33 55 77 if you find:

  • one or more dead wild swans, ducks or geese (wild fowl)
  • three or more dead wild birds of the same species
  • five or more dead birds of different species in the same place

Keep away from bird droppings if possible and wash your hands thoroughly if you accidentally touch some.


In general, you don’t need to change the way you look after your pets. If you have a dog that sometimes catches wild birds, try to avoid areas where this is likely to happen. In theory, H5N1 can be passed on to other animals, but it is very unlikely.


If you are travelling in a country that has had avian flu outbreaks, don’t go to live animal markets or poultry farms.

Don’t go near bird droppings or dead birds, and don’t bring live birds or poultry products back to the UK with you, including feathers.

The NHS has plans in place to manage a potential outbreak of bird flu in the UK, although this is thought to be highly unlikely.

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