‘I knew something was wrong when I started waking up in the night with tingling in my fingers’
Peter Taylor, 58, a customer services adviser from Norwich, first noticed tingling in his fingers a couple of years ago. Since then he has had two carpal tunnel releases and his hands feel back to normal.
“I knew something was wrong when I started waking up in the night with tingling in my fingers. It was a weird feeling, and my arm also used to go numb. I was a keen cricket player and started to find it difficult holding the bat. It was as though there was no power in my shots.
“I went to my GP, who suspected carpal tunnel syndrome and referred me to my local hospital for tests.
“I was sent off for a test called a ‘nerve conduction study’ and the results showed carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. My consultant suggested I have the carpal tunnel release operation, but one hand at a time. I had to wait for a couple of months for a date for my operation, and during that time I was given some injections to help ease the discomfort.
“I had the right hand done first with open surgery under local anaesthetic. I went in as a day patient and all the staff were fantastic. They made jokes, helping to take my mind off what was going on. At one stage the surgeon said: ‘Are you OK?’ I replied yes and he said, ‘That’s good, because I’ve just made a 5mm-long hole in your hand!’
“My hand did feel sore for a few days after the operation, but the pain soon turned into a stinging feeling, and after about a week it had passed. I was given some exercises to do and was soon wriggling my fingers again.
“I had the left hand done about four months later and again it went without a hitch. I could hardly move my left hand when I went in for the operation, but now I’ve almost got complete movement in it. I’m delighted and can’t thank my consultant enough!”
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