Depression and Menopause – The Myths and Secrets

Once women pass the age of 40, the dreaded menopause becomes a ticking time bomb of worrying for them. With so many myths surrounding this stage in a woman’s life, it’s easy to understand why so many women worry about what’s to come. Most women, however, come out the other side unscathed – this is a normal process in the human body after all. It’s vital that women undergoing ‘the change’ do so with a positive outlook and optimism. Failing to do so can result in depression and anxiety, which could have a damaging effect on the body. Most of the stories put out into the media about the menopause aren’t actually true, which means women are becoming scared of a natural process for no reason. Here are some of the more common myths and what really goes on.


Menopause makes you unstable

There are some changes to your behaviour during this time, as your hormones shift and this can make you act in a way you wouldn’t normally. You may react strongly to things or be a little unpredictable at times. However, just because you’re going through the menopause doesn’t mean you’ll be like this for life. This is a brief stage where you’re experiencing some internal changes, but they will revert back to normal soon. Relaxation techniques can be a good way of keeping a control over your behaviour while your hormones are erratic, though.


Menopause leads to memory loss

There is no memory loss with menopause – this is purely a myth. Young women can be just as absent minded and forgetful as older women, and there has been no relation to menopause and loss of memory despite numerous tests to determine this. Low oestrogen levels can slow the cognitive process down, but this doesn’t really affect your memory a great deal.


Menopause leads to weight gain and consequent depression

Some women do find that they gain a little weight during the menopause, which they find results in a lack of energy and consequent depression about their body. This isn’t always the case though, with so many women taking better care of themselves during the menopause than perhaps they did when they were younger. It’s just a fraction of women who become lazy during this stage, which has perpetuated a myth that all menopausal women do this.


Menopause makes you look shaggy and unattractive

There are bodily changes to expect with menopause, such as the darkening of the skin on the face, sagging muscles and greying hair, but you can also feel rejuvenated and still look attractive for your age. Depressed women tend to start giving up with taking care of themselves, which only makes the problem worse. You don’t have to give up just because you’re menopausal – it can be an incredibly freeing time for many women, it simply depends on your outlook.


Menopause can hamper work efficiency

This is also a myth that has become attached to the very concept of a menopause, but it isn’t true. In fact, the many years of experience these women have makes them wiser and less likely to make risky choices at work. Yes, some women may find that they get tired more easily, but this doesn’t mean that their efficiency is affected in any way.


Menopause causes depression in every woman

Only 10 to 15 percent of menopausal women become depressed, which is a fraction of those assumed to be at risk of this. The hormonal changes can affect your mood swings, which can mean your reactions to things are little more extreme than they would be normally, but depression is a condition which isn’t automatically a result of this.

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