Could Your Child’s Egg Allergy Disappear as They Get Older?

More and more parents have health concerns for their children that are linked to food intolerances or allergies. The good news is that new research is indicating a positive step forward for those whose children are affected by egg allergies.


Egg allergy is one of the most common allergies, affecting the wellness and wellbeing of thousands of children around the world. New studies are being carried out, however, that indicate that these allergies may be less serious than previously thought.


One such study, for example, suggests that children who are allergic to hen eggs could still safely consume the eggs if they are baked at a high temperature for a long time. Further research revealed that parents who were prepared to do this, and to incorporate those eggs into their child’s diet over a period of time, could actually help to immunise their child against their egg allergy, and thus cure them altogether. The outcomes for this method were far greater than for those who simply avoided egg allergies altogether.


Another study has indicated that many children who are allergic to foods actually grow out of their allergies by the age of 10, allowing them to safely increase the range of foods that they can eat as they get older.


Experts warn, however, that parents should be extremely cautious when introducing allergy-causing foods back into their children’s diets, and say that this should only ever be done under the close supervision of a medical expert.


A leading expert who carried out the research said that upwards of 600,000 children in America are allergic to hens’ eggs, but that most of them will grow out of it by the time they hit their teens. Egg avoidance in the meantime, however, can lead to significant dietary limitations and can impact on the child and family’s quality of life.

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