Personal Safety:6 Tips Every Woman Should Understand

Women today have the freedom to live their lives any way they see fit. Even so, they must remember to keep themselves safe and be ready to act if they believe that they are in danger. Being safe can require that ladies today utilize certain tips in their everyday lives. These tips can help keep them safe when they are out alone or in situations where their wellbeing is endangered.

1) The Importance of Carrying Protection

Women have the right to arm themselves and use their weapons to fend off attackers. If they are not comfortable carrying a handgun, they can carry mace, pepper spray, or tasers instead. These weapons can fend off an attacker who is keen on hurting them. Many retail stores sell pepper mace and other common self-defense items.



2) The Value of a Charged Cell Phone

Most people today carry cell phones with them. However, a woman may particularly need a cell phone if they want to stay safe while out in public. Having a phone on hand can allow her to call 911 and alert the police that someone is following her or threatening her safety. The police can then respond to her location and save her from potentially being mugged or assaulted.

3) The Threat of Sexual Assault

Despite sexual assault being a very serious crime that could land a person in jail for many years, many people still prey on women whom they deem to be vulnerable. Women should be on alert for sexual predators by knowing the names and addresses of registered offenders in their local area. They can also prevent an attack by going out in groups and staying in busy, well-lit places at night.
Sexual assault is taken so seriously that it requires a certain kind of trained lawyer to defend a sexual offender. They would need to hire a locally trained defense attorney knowledgeable in sex crimes to try to help defend them about an accused crime of sexual assault against them. For example, a person being accused of a sex crime in the Orlando area would have to look for a highly experienced Florida sex crime lawyer for representation.

4) Making Others Aware of Plans

While women may relish in their independence, they may be advised to let someone know of their plans if they go out for an evening. Telling a friend, loved one, or coworker where they are going that night and what time they expect to return can be an important safety tip. If they fail to return on time, these trusted individuals can alert the authorities.



5) Healthy Dose of Skepticism

A woman can keep herself safe by avoiding the rush to trust a new-found friend. While most people are honest about whom they are and what they do for a living, others outright lie in order to take advantage of others. When they employ a healthy dose of skepticism, most females can be ready to act if they find that their friend has been lying and could be a threat to their safety.



6) Self-Defense Classes

Women today are encouraged to take self-defense classes, even if only for a few weeks to learn basic self-defense skills. If they are moving to a new city and plan to live alone, they can benefit by knowing how to defend themselves against attackers. These basic moves can be enough to throw off a predator and allow them enough time to escape to safety.


While women can enjoy independent lives and determine what lifestyle best fits their personal preferences, they should still remember their personal safety. Being safe and knowing how to prevent an assault takes nothing away from their independence and could help save their lives.




Author Bio:

Lisa Coleman understands the measures a person needs to take for self protection in today’s violent world, and encourages education to women about these facts. She recently researched online how difficult a sexual assault case can be for an experienced criminal sex crime lawyer, such as Katz & Phillips, P.A., a Florida sex crime lawyer group. They are equipped to legally defend a client who has been charged with the heinous crime of sexual assault.
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