What Does it Mean When Your Vision is Blurred in Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an exciting and magical time, but it can also bring a number of health concerns, and many new mothers-to-be spend a lot of time worrying about their own wellness as well as the wellbeing of their unborn child.


One problem that occurs in some expectant mothers is blurred vision. Some vision changes can be a normal part of pregnancy, and blurred vision happens more commonly than people know about. Many women even experience blurred vision as one of their first symptoms of pregnancy, and likely do not even realise that this is a side effect of the pregnancy as they don’t know they are pregnant yet!


Hormonal change are usually the cause of blurred vision amongst pregnant women. Just like fluid builds up in your ankles and face, it can also build up in your eyes, causing your cornea to thicken and the pressure in your eye to change. This can make your eyesight become hazy and can cause an uncomfortable feeling in your eyes.


Many women complain of eye irritation, changes in vision, floating blobs in the line of sight, dry eyes or even double vision at various times during pregnancy and these symptoms usually disappear after the birth. It is very important to get any visual disturbances checked out, however, as they can be a sign of a more serious problem, such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure (pre eclampsia) or pregnancy induced hypertension.


Blurred vision points in particular to high blood sugar, so is a symptom that anyone with diabetes or a risk of diabetes should not ignore. Any of the conditions mentioned above can be very serious and even life threatening (both to mother and unborn child) if not treated swiftly and appropriately, so it is very important that, although vision changes are normally perfectly normal in pregnancy, you do get this symptom checked out with your doctor and don’t ignore it.

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