Hang Up The Phone! 5 Ways a Cell Phone Can Be Dangerous
Cell phones have made it much more convenient to stay in touch, and they also double as entertainment devices that enable us to surf the Internet, watch videos, take photographs and play games. However, it is important to note that using these devices is not risk-free. In fact, there are some issues associated with cell phone usage that are very dangerous, and this has caused some people to avoid using them. Fortunately, you can reduce your risk by being aware of the potential issues that your cell phone can cause because this will make it easier for you to take preventative measures.
The Top Five Dangers Associated with Cell Phone Usage
1) Distracted Driving – Multiple studies have conclusively proven that using a cell phone behind the wheel impacts the driver’s response time, and this can easily lead to an accident. Therefore, it is imperative to put the phone away while you are driving so that you do not end up injuring or killing yourself or another driver. Distracted driving can include, according to one car accident lawyer Chicago based, texting, navigation systems, eating, reading and more.
2) Legal Consequences – Several areas have anti-cell phone usage laws that enable police officers to pull drivers over for talking or texting while they are driving. If this happens to you, then you will be given a fine, and you might even have points added to your license. Additionally, your text messages and call history can be held against you during a civil or criminal case.
3) Cell Phone Elbow – According to the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, a medical condition known as cubital tunnel syndrome has begun impacting people who spend an excessive amount of time on the phone. Also known as cell phone elbow, this issue causes sufferers to deal with numbness, aching, tingling or a burning sensation in their hand and forearm.
4) Potential Link to Cancer – Advocate groups have been trying to convince people to avoid long-term exposure to cell phones for years, but little has been done to medically verify or dispute these claims. However, Iowa Senator Tom Harkin has announced plans to launch a more thorough investigation into the potential link between cell phones and cancer. The results of this investigation might not be available for many years, so it is wise to carefully consider using a hands-free device in the interim just in case the concerns of advocate groups are validated.
5) Environmental Hazards – Did you throw away your last cell phone after you received the latest upgrade? If so, you exposed the environment to toxic materials and a long list of heavy metals such as beryllium, mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium and antimony. Sadly, these materials can leak out of a landfill and end up hurting wildlife and contaminating the local water supply. To prevent this issue, you should always turn your old cell phones over to a company that recycles them.
As you can see, cell phones have the potential to cause serious and widespread problems. Therefore, you need to use them responsibly. For example, you should never text while you are driving, and it is also imperative to dispose of your cell phones properly through a recycling program.
Researcher Melanie Fleury is in fear of her preteen daughter getting a license because of how easily she is distracted by the cell phone. She writes this article in hopes that drivers will reconsider using a cell phone while driving. One car accident lawyer Chicago based encourages everyone involved in an accident with a distracted driver to call an attorney to determine whether or not they have a case.
Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonjon_2k8/340305918/
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