How Your Wellness Starts With What You Eat

You truly are what you eat. There is more truth to that age old saying than most people care to admit. Food is our life source. Food is responsible for how we function, feel and continue living. However, food in general will not lead to a long life. We have choices when it comes to the types of food we consume. The sad thing is, the quality of modern food is as bad as it has ever been, making healthy choices a true struggle. It is so easy to grab a quick meal that is high in saturated fats or some other destructive substance.


Diet And Physical Wellness

How you perform physically is completely tied to what you put in your stomach. For instance, saturated fats cause your body to produce more cholesterol. Too much cholesterol can lead to heart problems, which can make you feel sluggish and unhealthy. Unsaturated fats, like the kind found in nuts and fish, have a much better impact on your health. Unsaturated fats help the body to protect itself from diseases, like the ones causes by saturated fats and processed foods.


Eating healthy also leads to a better physical appearance, which can improve your mood and confidence. A diet that includes mostly vegetables will provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay in shape. Most of the easily accessible food choices provide very few nutritional benefits and instead offer empty calories that the body must then find a way to store, leading to weight gain.



Diet And Mental Wellness

As much as food fuels the body, it also fuels the mind. In the same way, food can also improve or damage your mind, depending on what you eat. Poor food choices have been directly linked to bad moods and even memory loss. For instance, foods that are high in vitamin E have been proven to protect brain neurons and cells linked to memory. These are the same cells that die off in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.


Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in many fish products, are also important for neuron function. Many tests have proven that people who eat more fish are less likely to become depressed or experience anxiety problems.

Reach Optimal Wellness With A Meal Replacement Shake

Visit for in depth reviews of the top meal replacment products. With unhealthy foods so readily available at the grocery store, it can be hard to add healthier options to your diet. Luckily, there are plenty of supplements out there that can give your body the boost it needs. Try a meal replacement shake today and get yourself back on track.

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