Different Types Of Yoga: Choose the Best One for You

Yoga has become something of a phenomenon in the west. For something that only a few years ago we had no idea of what it was or what it could do for us, it has become very popular to the point where virtually everyone has heard of it. We’ve all seen advertisements for yoga classes or maybe we’ve have even seen one taking place (or been to one), it truly is something that has become a part of mainstream society. But it isn’t always clear why this is the case. What has yoga got that has made it stand out as something that people should do?


Yoga is unique because it offers so much to so many different people. It can be a form of exercise – the stretches and positions are great way to stay in shape if you are looking for a calmer form of working out. But it’s not just for when you want to be able to slim down or get in a little bit better shape. Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, which can be very important for other sports as well as in many aspects of life. For others, yoga is not so much a physical exercise as it is a way to focus themselves or achieve a meditative state. With so many different functions it is no surprise that yoga has become such a huge hit.


But given its popularity it may also be true that we do not really know very much about it. Of course you have heard of yoga, everyone has, but do you know anything about the positions, or the theories, or indeed the many different types of yoga? Many people think that yoga is just one single practice and that there is only one way to do it. But really it is more helpful to think of yoga in terms as if it is a martial art – there are many different types; just think about the difference between karate and judo, and the difference between judo and capoeira. Just like there are many different types of martial art, there are many different types of yoga – and they all offer something a little bit different.


So which type of yoga is right for you? That can be a difficult question to answer so we’ve prepared a list of the most popular forms to help you identify that different forms and make the decision for the type of yoga that you would like to do.


Ashtanga or Power yoga: This is a demanding workout that asks you to constantly move from one posture over to another.


Anusara: This is spiritually inspiring yoga that focuses on promoting a deep knowledge of outer and inner body alignment.


Bikram or Hot yoga: This idea promotes a workout of 26 asanas practiced in a room that is 95 to 100 degrees in order to warm and stretch the muscles, ligaments, and tendons; it is physically challenging and detoxifying.


Embodyoga: This practice promotes the idea of listening to your body-mind connection.


Integral: This constitutes a more gentle form of yoga that often includes breathing exercises, chanting and meditation.


Iyengar: This practice emphasises great attention to detail, in the form of body alignment and holding poses for lengthy periods.


Jivamukti: This is a more physically challenging selection of asanas with classes that include chanting, meditation, readings, music and affirmations.


Kundalini: This form of yoga emphasises the effects of breath on the postures, with the aim of freeing energy in the lower body to move upwards.

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