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Is Couple Yoga Right for Your Relationship?

Yoga is enormously popular as an exercise that people do either individually or in groups. It emphasises slow stretching movements improving flexibility and strengthening your core. Millions of people swear by it and this popularity has…

How Yoga Can Help With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a very common problem today in women who are at a reproductive age. At least 5 to 10 per cent of the young women (as suggested by the National Institutes of Health research) are now diagnosed with

A beginner’s guide to Yoga

Yoga is an ancient art and one in which many people feel anxious about starting, due to the many positions and techniques involved. While it is a complicated exercise, there are positions which anyone can do and which are easy to learn. If…

OM Chanting and Mantras in Yoga

For seven years I have been practising Yoga without chanting more than a single syllable: OM. Not that I consider myself a person who doesn't enjoy singing, I sing with headphones, in the shower, at concerts and sometimes with…

Get a Long and Lean Body with Barre Yoga

A long and lean body is high up on every woman’s list of fitness goals, but surely you can’t actually elongate what the good Lord gave you? According to health and wellness coach Emma Seibold, who also happens to be a certified…

Yoga: The Perfect Antidote To Post-modernism

There is so much focus today on material gain and the desire for things that are extraneous to our needs. Also, modern technological advances have only given us an information overload rather than more time to relax. The speed at which…

The many health and wellness benefits of yoga

The connection between yoga and wellbeing cannot be debated. The comprehensive content of the yoga philosophy serves every aspect of wellness: physical, emotional and spiritual. As such, it is a complementary therapy that cannot be…

What to expect when starting a yoga class

The wellness benefits of yoga now attract a wide range of people. In fact yoga is an entirely inclusive discipline and its job won’t be complete until people of all ages and types have tried it out! It provides an all round complementary…

Why is yoga a popular complementary therapy?

One of today’s best complementary therapies remains the same as it was 3,000 years ago. The ancient practice of yoga provides such a vast range of physical and meditative practices that it remains highly relevant in these modern times.…

What To Expect From A Yoga Retreat

When you are suffering the ravages of modern working life, you need to make your leisure time count. An increasing amount of people are seeing the truth of this and are seeking high-value solutions for their holidays. That means more than…

Yoga As Part Of A Body Building Routine

The Western version of yoga has so far attracted more women than men. This is an unfortunate trend that we hope can be altered when more men see the benefits of yoga as part of a work-out routine. With Ryan Giggs now publicly swearing by…

Does yoga have advantages for your height?

An incredible fact about yoga is that it can help you get taller. Yoga, known for its integrated benefits for your body, mind and spirit can actually help with many specific ailments too, and making you taller is just one of them. Many…