Yoga poses which can aid in slimming your waistline

While the benefits of yoga are appreciated by all, it is not usually thought of as a solution for reducing belly fat. However, when practiced as part of an overall routine including cardiovascular activity and proper nutrition, it can be very effective in dealing with problem waistlines. Yoga is a system that provides complementary solutions for numerous health conditions and obesity is no exception.

Yoga is not known as a cardiovascular activity, so those seeking to combat obesity will probably want to include a different kind of cardiovascular workout in their wellness routine. However, some kinds of yoga, such as Ashtanga Vinyasa, will provide an effective fat-burning workout. Similarly, those seeking to slim their waistline will benefit from the extended and fast practice of ‘sun salutations’ as part of their yoga session.

The system of yoga is full of postures that have important benefits to internal wellbeing, as well as working on elements of external appearance.

Plank pose – the popular ‘press up’ pose of yoga forms part of the famous ‘sun salutation’. It is a powerful pose for strengthening the abdominal core muscles. To achieve plank pose, your arms and body should be totally straight. In order to do this, you have to rely on your core muscles to maintain those straight lines.

Standing forward bend – a popular yoga posture, for which you have to use your abdominal muscles to pull in your abdomen. It is famed for the strong massage it gives to the digestive system, which helps to normalise its function, thereby assisting weight reduction programmes.

Shoulder stand – this forms an important part of any yoga therapy system aimed at weight management. The shoulder stand exerts strong pressure on your thyroid gland, which helps to normalise metabolism. This can solve the problem of slow metabolism, one of the major causes of weight gain.

This list is far from being exhaustive, and merely highlights the main areas that yoga postures act upon in assisting slimming. You should bear in mind that yoga therapy for any condition is best approached under the guidance of an expert. Many poses have contra-indications, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. A tailored yoga routine can pay dividends when practised regularly, and should form the backbone of any lasting wellness programme.

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