Yoga For An Open, Healthy And Happy Heart

Yoga could be as effective at reducing your risk of heart disease as more physical activities such as brisk walking and cycling, according to scientists in the Netherlands and the US. When researchers pooled the results from 32 trials, involving almost 2,800 people, they found the risk of developing cardiovascular disease was lower among those who did yoga, compared to people who did not exercise.

This is good news for those who dislike jogging or visiting a gym and for those with a pre-existing heart condition, the elderly or those with musculoskeletal or joint pain. Compared with those who did no exercise, yoga resulted in similar heart-related improvements as aerobic exercise, including lower body mass index (BMI), lower blood pressure, lower ‘bad’ LDL-cholesterol levels but higher ‘good’ HDL-cholesterol which protects against heart disease. The researchers suggested this was because yoga incorporates physical, mental, and spiritual elements that are effective in reducing stress and through beneficial effects on heart function that are mediated through the vagus nerve which helps to regulate heart rate.

Ushtrasana (Camel pose) is one of the best poses to help you open your heart and it also helps you be at peace, opening and shining your heart out into the world. Start by kneeling on the floor with your legs hip width apart. Press your shins and the tops of your feet down into the earth. Place your hands on the back of your hips. Inhale and slowly begin to lift your heart up from the breastbone and allow your hips to move forward. Draw your shoulder blades down the back as you begin to slowly move as far back as is comfortable. Only when you have practiced this half camel version and are comfortable with it can you then reach the hands down towards your heels. Lift from the breastbone allowing the head to head to drop gently backwards.

Pranayama breathing into the heart will help you feel whole and complete. Focus on your heart as you breathe and feel your entire being filled with warmth and love. Begin by lying or sitting somewhere comfortably. Focus on breathing full, deep breaths into the belly, then start to move the breath up into the front, side and back ribs and finally all the way up into the collar bone until you are breathing into the full body. 

Abhaya Hridaya Mudra (courageous heart mudra) helps you let go of fear and doubt and live from a fearless heart. This mudra takes you right into your heart space to seek your truth. Bring your hands in front of your heart, right hand closest to the heart, with the back of the hands together and palms facing away from each other. Gently interlace the little, ring and middle fingers and then bring index finger and thumbs together.

Affirmations for opening your heart: This would not strictly come under yoga but nevertheless is one of the best ways to manifest your wish for a positive life change. An affirmation is a word or phrase repeated over and over again, allowing its meaning to seep into your subconscious and shift negative habits and patterns into positive ones. Try this one:
“My heart is open to giving and receiving love.
I lovingly accept myself as I am.
I give and receive love with an open heart.
I open my heart fully to living.
I am worthy of love.”

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