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Tips For Success
Marathon Magic: How to Achieve Your Personal Goals
According to Leta Shy, Associate Editor for Fitness at PopSugar UK, ‘There are many things to love about the Nike Women's Marathon — the female-positive message, the energy, and, of course, that Tiffany necklace — and the fact that it's…
Get Ahead of Your Resolutions with Our Winter Workout
Losing weight and getting your wellbeing in shape is one of the major New Year’s resolutions people make every year, but why wait until January to get started? After all, are you going to head out to the gym on January 1st with a splitting…
Seven Questions Your Fitness Trainer Needs the Answers To
Choosing the right professional fitness trainer is an important step in your wellness programme, but how do you know which one is right for you? As a general rule, the best trainers will – on the first meeting – sit you down and ask you…
The Big Race: Five Tips for Preparing for a Marathon
If you are like most serious runners, you have dreamed of running a Marathon. You have done all of the preparations for the big race, getting fitted for proper running shoes, learning how to stay hydrated through long runs and varying your…
Slim Down, Tone Up and Improve Your Balance with TRX
If you’ve ever heard your trainer talking about TRX and wondered what it meant, you’re in the right place! TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise (why it’s not TBRE I don’t know – probably because TRX sounds cooler). Still, confusing…
Abs Like Alba: How to Get the Celebrity Body You Want
You only have to look at your average celebrity to realise they’ve mastered the art of fitness. While some stars turn to expensive cosmetic treatments to look like they’ve got their wellness in shape, most actually favour good old-fashioned…
Planner or Go-Getter: Which Fitness Personality are You?
If you’ve ever wondered why you just can’t get into Zumba, maybe it’s because when you get to that class, you’re still, unfortunately, you! According to James Gavin, PhD, professor of applied human sciences at Concordia University in…
Have a Gym Session: Why Jamming in the Gym Gets Results
Wellness experts and fitness enthusiasts alike know how beneficial music is when you workout; having an MP3 player with you on a long run can help distract you or motivate you to keep going, but according to a new study it’s not just…
Distance Debating: Should You Run Heel-First or Toe-First?
Of all fitness enthusiasts and pursuers, no one gets more heated and passionate about the little things than runners. Ask any long-distance runner you like about the best marathon course or type of shoe for your PB (that’s personal best for…
Does Eating Before Exercising Help or Hinder Your Health?
Most wellness experts will tell you that you should avoid eating shortly before exercise, as this can harm your performance. The logic goes that eating just before you work out leads to a spike and drop in blood sugar, but is this really as…
How Even Casual Smoking will Affect your Workout
People go to the gym for different reasons. Some want to tone up, others want to get seriously bulky and there are those who want to improve their stamina. Whatever reason you may have to hit the gym you might also want to consider giving…
Debunking Fitness Myths For Women
Getting fit and working to achieve your desired body takes a lot of dedication and commitment. For women who hop straight from work to the gym, the end result will make all the sweating out and ditching some cheesecake totally worth it.…
Travel Fitness: How to Incorporate More Active-ities
When you go travelling, on holiday or take a business trip, fitness and wellness are probably the last two things on your mind. However, while travel fitness can feel like a chore, making it part of your trip can help you to feel more…
6 Motivational Quotes to Get You Through Your Workout
So you’re ready to hit the gym, tackle the trails or walk off those extra pounds. That’s awesome. You will reach those goals. You just have to stay focused and motivated. There might come a time when you need a little something to…
How to Breathe When You’re Exercising
It's as simple as breathing in and breathing out - or is it? When we exercise, getting enough oxygen into the body is vital for our stamina and strength. There is an art to inhaling that most people don't value enough. The best breathing…
Efficient Exercise: How to Prevent an Overuse Injury
Whether you’re thinking you really should exercise more, or you want to give your current training routing a boost, you need to consider how the added activity might affect your wellness. Doing too much too soon can put you at risk of an…
How to Trick Yourself into Loving Exercise
There’s a reason why the term “fitness freaks” exists; some people just love exercise, and that’s weird. Most of us would rather scrub the toilet than go for a run or lift weights, but the problem is that exercise is vital to your…
How to Get Fitter and Healthier When You Use a Wheelchair
When you use a wheelchair, physical fitness and exercise isn’t your top priority – but it should be. Getting active is vital to your health and wellbeing, and can also help you to manage your daily life more easily. As a wheelchair user,…
Diwali Fitness – Top Tips For Keeping Fit During Diwali
Diwali is just around the corner, which means so too are the sweets, late mornings and days off from work. However, despite all the planning, the only thing which seems to be avoided in the schedules is how to keep fit and healthy. This is…
How Much Exercise Do You Need to Do? Well, It Depends…
How much exercise do you need to do a week to lose weight? It’s a simple question, and don’t we all wish there was a simple answer? Unfortunately, weight loss wellness isn’t a matter of a one-size-fits-all rule or equation; it depends on…
Early Riser or Night Owl: Which Kind of Exerciser are You?
Everyone has their own fitness regime; some people are up and running by 5.30am while others prefer to end their day that way. But which time of day is best for weight loss and general fitness? Let’s break it down by pros and cons, so you…
Revolutionise Your Workouts by Keeping an Exercise Journal!
To lose weight and keep it off, and to generally take care of your wellness and fitness levels, you need to make small and progressive changes in your diet and exercise regime. Still, the problem with small changes is that it’s hard to see…
Can a 10-Minute Run Make All the Difference to Your Health?
Some people are passionate about fitness, health and wellbeing, but for most of us it’s more like something you have to do, rather than something you want to do. I mean, most of it is in your genes anyway, right? So what’s the point? While…
Bouncing Babies:How to Exercise Safely when You’re Pregnant
Fitness is a vital aspect of pregnancy, as exercise prepares your our body for the intensity of labour, helps you to cope with the physically demanding challenges of motherhood, and aids you in your attempt to get back to your pre-pregnancy…
Why Your Exercise Excuse Isn’t Valid
We all do it: It gets to around ten minutes before you’re due to leave for the gym and you think of an excuse why you can’t go. While it may be easy to talk yourself out of exercise, you can’t talk yourself out of the weight gain that comes…
Diet vs. Fitness: Which One will Get the Job Done?
Ok, so you know that diet and exercise are both essential to your wellness in general, but what about those times when you want to work on something specific? Let’s be honest; you don’t always have the time or ability to take care of your…
Fitness Foolishness: How to Avoid the Major Workout Mistakes
Whether you’re a fitness freak or brave new beginner, the chances are you’re not taking care of your wellbeing at the gym. This is according to John Porcari, PhD, FACSM, a professor in the Department of Exercise and Sports Science at the…
Mood-Boosting Exercises to Improve Your Wellbeing
Exercise is a well known mood elevator, but sometimes you need that extra boost - for times such as this, there are certain exercises which can offer more benefits. We should all know by now the benefits of regular physical activity in…
Myth Busters: Fitness Fictions that Could Put You at Risk
When it comes to wellness myths, nothing is as dangerous as those related to fitness. If you adhere to certain false principles, you could put your wellbeing at risk to injury, or at least impede your progress and performance. Let’s take a…
Going the Distance: Preventing Endurance Training Injuries
While exercise is absolutely paramount to your wellness, if you don’t take the steps to prevent injury you could be putting your wellbeing at risk. This is especially important to you endurance event trainers out there, so we’ve outlined…