What Choices Should You Make With Fats, Carbs And Proteins?

With the many contradictions feeding their way into the media over the past few decades, it can be difficult knowing which proteins, fats and carbohydrates are actually good for us. These three macro-nutrients determine whether the diet we live off is really good for us or not, yet they’re often the last thing we alter in our meals. Adding vitamins and minerals to an otherwise unhealthy diet won’t benefit you in the same way as changing up the basic first will. So what should you be eating each day? Here are the basics for a healthy, balanced diet.

Protein forms the building blocks for our bodies, and it also plays an important role in the maintenance and repair of muscles. Most people believe chicken to be the best source of protein, but while they aren’t wrong, it isn’t the only source. How you cook the chicken also implements the health factor of the protein. Fried varieties of protein, for example, aren’t good for you. While chicken may be good for you, opting for a KFC over a healthy piece of steamed meat isn’t going to work out as equal in terms of the benefits. Processed meats and fried eggs have the same effect – generally speaking, if it’s fried, no matter how healthy it is to begin with, it won’t be that good for you. Some good sources of protein are lean cuts from red meat, cottage cheese and frozen processed chicken breasts. The best include egg whites, fresh chicken breasts, lean fish and legumes.

There are good and bad carbs, so it’s important that you differentiate early on between the two. You should aim to eat the majority of your carbs early on in the day, mainly at breakfast and lunch, rather than late on as your body will utilise them better. All simple carbohydrates are bad for you, which include white bread, white pasta, pizza, chips and doughnuts. Baked goods such as cakes and biscuits are also high in simple sugars and butter so these aren’t ideal choices. While they are fine as an occasional treat, you shouldn’t eat them on a regular basis. Complex carbs such as brown pasta, brown rice, whole wheat breads and vegetables such as corn or carrots are a better option. However, for the best source of carbohydrates, you should opt for sweet potatoes, fruit and vegetables, organic wheat flour and rolled oats.

Fats have a bad reputation, but there are certain fats which are actually good for you. There are a number of myths surrounding fat, but eating healthy fats won’t cause you to gain weight. People gain weight simply by eating more fats than they use. But if you eat healthy fats in the right proportions, then you’ll not only fuel your body correctly but you’ll also improve your body composition overall. Bad fats include saturated fats found in butter vegetable oils and clarified butter. Trans fats, especially, should be avoided, as they are extremely bad for your heart health. If you want to find healthy fats, you should opt for sunflower and olive oils, eggs, fish and nuts. If you can though, you should add omega 3 and 6 fatty acids to your diet, as these are great for your health. Where possible, with the exception of the occasional treat, you should avoid too much fat in your diet as it can lead to heart problems, strokes and obesity.


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