Could Cooking Breakfast Differently Help Prevent Dementia?

The environmental wellness of fried and grilled meats has been called into question, as the toxic chemicals found at high concentrations in such products may raise the risk of diabetes and dementia. This is according to a new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which found that rodents raised on a Western-style diet rich in compounds called glycotoxins showed early signs of diabetes, along with brain changes and symptoms that are seen in Alzheimer’s disease.


However, the researchers note that changes in cooking habits might reduce levels of glycotoxins and protect your wellbeing against these wellness concerns. Study leader Helen Vlassara, of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, explained, ‘The findings are very promising, but the question that needs to be answered is whether cutting down on glycotoxins can prevent or reverse dementia…People will grill bacon and fry eggs for breakfast, or have a toasted bagel or muffin. But they could boil or poach the eggs, and have fresh bread. With meat, we recommend stewing and boiling, making sauces instead of exposing meat to very high dry heat’


For the study, Vlassara and her team raised groups of mice on diets that differed in their levels of a type of glycotoxin called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. While no notable changes were seen in mice raised on a low-AGEs diet, animals that ate a Westernised diet rich in AGEs experienced a build-up of protein called amyloid in their brains, and developed cognitive and movement problems typical of dementia. The researchers then moved their study onto a group of 93 healthy humans aged over 60. The human portion of the study lasted for nine months, during which time the researchers found that those with higher levels of AGEs in their bloodstream experienced greater levels of cognitive decline and insulin resistance.


Doug Brown, director of research and development at the Alzheimer’s Society, pointed out, ‘We are often told that burgers or fried chicken are bad for us and this study is not the first to link the chemicals in some cooked foods to Alzheimer’s. However, this research adds to our understanding of how they might work and makes a strong case for further research. Diets with low levels of the compounds show promising effects in mice and should be further explored as a way to prevent dementia through changes in diet. Of course, we must not forget that the majority of research was conducted in mice and the human element of this study is too small to draw any conclusions. Evidence suggests that the best way to reduce your risk of developing dementia is regular exercise, not smoking, and following a healthy diet.’


Derek Hill at University College London, commented, ‘It is notoriously difficult to do experiments on mice that properly mimic Alzheimer’s disease in humans, but it is grounds for optimism. This paper adds to the body of evidence suggesting that using preventative strategies might reduce the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in society. And that could have a very positive impact on us all.’ Tom Dening, professor of dementia research at Nottingham University, added, ‘Foods high in protein and fat, such as meat, cheese, and egg yolk, are rich in AGEs, and cooking at high temperatures, for example frying and barbecues, increases AGEs. Dietary restriction of AGEs can bring about significant reductions. What isn’t yet clear is how much these effects contribute to Alzheimer’s disease compared to other factors, and we don’t know whether dietary restriction of AGEs would be helpful in prevention.’

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