How to Work Your Bum According to It’s Unique Shape


A saggy or misshapen rear end can give your emotional wellbeing a little knock, and so you may be considering a fitness routine to help your bum in gear. However, before you proceed to try and tone things up, you first need to identify what kind of backside you have. That’s right, just like some women are pears and some are hourglasses, every woman has a different-shaped butt that needs it’s own special workout.


1. V Shape: According to wellness and fitness expert Liz Neporent, ‘A V-shaped butt is full on top and wide on the sides but disappears lower down as the butt muscle approaches the top of the thigh. The trick to enhancing this shape is ensuring the entire buttocks muscle gets a workout…Find a stair or aerobic step bench that’s high enough so that when you step on it, your knee is at a 45-degree angle to your hip. Start by standing in front of the step, feet hip-width apart. Leading with your right foot, step onto the bench with both feet. Step down leading again with your right foot. Repeat 10 times; then switch to leading with your left and repeat. Work up to three sets of 10 on each leg.’


2. Saggy: Neporent instructs, ‘Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes angled slightly outward. Lift your right leg in a circular “roundhouse” motion up to hip-height. As you place your foot down a few inches to the side of your foot’s starting position, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Straighten back up to starting position and repeat the same “roundhouse” movement with your left leg. Flow smoothly from one rep to the next with no breaks in between. Do 12 reps each side. Work up to three sets.’


3. Double Butt: This means there’s an extra fold to your backside, just like a double chin. Neporent outlines, ‘Lay face down with your legs out straight and your forehead resting on the backs of your hands. Pull your abs in. Zip your thighs together and lift your legs a few inches off the floor. Next, moving from the hips, make small circles with your legs in opposite directions. Circle 8 times, then reverse the direction and do 8 more circles. Repeat the pattern twice more, then rest by pushing your butt back into Child’s Pose and holding for 30 seconds.’


4. Big: ‘Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart,’ says Neporent. ‘Keep your legs straight, reach forward and touch your fingertips to the floor or as close as you can without bending your knees or straining your lower back. Stand back up, and then step your right leg back and across as you bend your knees into a curtsey. Stand back up again. Repeat the reach forward and now curtsey to the left. Continue alternating reaches and curtseys until you complete 16 forward moves and 8 curtseys on each side. When you’re ready for a bigger challenge, hold a weight in both hands for the reach forward, in your right hand as you curtsey right and in your left hand as you curtsey left.’


5. Flat: Neporent details, ‘Stand on your left leg with your right leg out to the side and your right heel lifted off the floor. Bend down into a crouched position, reach your right hand to the floor in front of you and extend your left arm behind your body. Using the power of both legs, spring upward and jump to the left. Land in a crouched position with your left leg now out to the side, your left hand in front of you and your right arm back. This equals one rep. Continue alternating sides for one minute. Work up to three sets with 30 seconds rest between.’


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