Workout Achiever: I lost 145 pounds by running, working out



•Name: Kari Ianuale


•Age: 37


•Hometown: Nazareth


•Favorite exercise routine: Running and stair climbing.


•Major exercise accomplishment: Beating my 5K record over and over again. My best time is now 24:16


•Proudest exercise moment: Completing a 5K and running the entire race for the first time.


•Significant health improvement: 145-pound weight loss! No more high blood pressure and no more high cholesterol.


•Why I exercise: To live! I want to be around for a long time.


•How working out makes me feel: It is a huge stress reliever and I walk out of the gym feeling like a million bucks!


•Exercising regularly since: July 2011


•How I find the time: It is a part of my daily routine, so there is no need to make time. I just do it. It is important for me and my health so this is a priority!


•What motivates me to move: I have been at both ends of the spectrum, being over 300 pounds was a low point in my life for me. Being 145 pounds lighter and healthy is my motivation to stay here and not go back.


•What keeps me going: My family and my health and my love of exercise and the way it makes me feel!


•When the weather is bad: Doesn’t matter, I do most of my exercising indoors at the gym. When the weather is nice though the dogs love going out for long walks.


•Favorite gym: The Fitness Club in Easton. This is a great gym. The owners are wonderful!


•Favorite media: I kinda do my own thing. I do a lot of online research on just about everything from food, supplements to exercises.


•Role model: Jillian Michaels! Love her. When I feel myself slowing at the gym or need a push, I think of her yelling in my ear, “LAST CHANCE WORKOUT!” She is a great motivation to me.


•Favorite equipment: Treadmill, stair climber and ARC trainer.


•Special strategies: Changing it up at the gym so I do not get bored. I move around from equipment to equipment, to not only stop me from being bored but to work all muscle groups.


•How I control the urge to loaf: The thought of being over 300 pounds again scares me. I never want to go back.


•Most helpful tip: Too many people out there think that just by exercising they will lose weight and be healthy. You have to incorporate healthy eating habits as well as exercise, and you have to stick with it. Too many people are a roller coaster with their weight. the main reason is they go back to all the bad habits over and over again. You need to find your motivation and stick to it.


•Favorite workout song: Alicia Keys “Girl on Fire.” It is sort of my theme song.


•Foods: I try and stay away from all processed foods and greasy foods. I eat “1” ingredient foods also known as whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, chicken, nuts etc. I have found that over time the cravings for unhealthy foods gets less and less and now my system has been off of greasy foods for so long, when I consume them I don’t handle them very well, so I just stay away from them. You also have to have a cheat day, you can’t completely cut yourself off from everything. “Eat clean” is my new motto.


•Tips for starting: Don’t overdo it in the beginning. To many people try and rush weight loss and they injure themselves. It took time for you to get out of shape, so it will take time for you to get in shape. Stay focused and determined. You will get to your goal, you just have to stay on track and you will see results.


•Comments: Always remember the 3 Ds; Dedication, Determination and Drive! Anyone can change, they just need the 3 D’s. Find them and you will succeed. Stop dieting and reprogram yourself. Going from a size 24 to a size 6 is a huge accomplishment and I have never been prouder of myself.

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