Caring for Children with Hearing Impairments



If you are currently caring for a child with a hearing impairment, then you know there are many challenges that have to be overcome. However, there are some tips you can follow to help you make good decisions about caring for your child and dealing with the hearing loss in the best ways possible.


Hearing Devices Can Help

Hearing aids can make a huge difference in your child’s life. Once the extent of your child’s hearing loss is determined, ask about hearing aids and whether they could improve your child’s hearing. The cost is worth it for your child to be able to clearly hear and communicate with others. This will open up your child’s world and allow him to enjoy playing with friends, watching movies, and listening to music.


Ask about an IEP

School can be quite difficult for children with hearing impairments. They find it difficult to hear the teacher, so learning is almost impossible. Ask your child’s teacher if he qualifies for an individualized education plan (IEP). This document will ensure that your child receives accommodations in the classroom environment to help him hear and learn. For example, your child may need to sit near the teacher to hear her better, need taped lessons that can be played at a high volume at home for review, or need the teacher to wear a microphone to amplify her voice during lectures. Your child has a right to receive an appropriate education no matter what levels of support are necessary. Under federal laws, your child must receive these accommodation in public school.


Help Your Child with Friends

You may also need to help your child make new friends. For example, if other children are afraid of your child’s hearing aids, you may want to help your child come up with a cute way of explaining why he has to wear them. You may have to speak with other moms to invite kids to your home for playdates to help your child make friends. Another idea is to make sure your child is involved in activities such as sports or music lessons to help him meet new friends.


Setting and Achieving Goals

A final tip to consider when caring for a child with a hearing impairment is to make it a priority to help your child set and achieve his goals. You will have to teach your child that a hearing impairment is not an excuse for anything. You want your child to believe that he can reach any goal he sets and not to let his impairment stop him. This mindset will help him in life.


There are special considerations when caring for a child with a hearing impairment. The idea to remember is that children with hearing impairments can overcome the challenges.




Informational credit to: – bringing hearing aids batteries to Sacramento for your convenience


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