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Daily Exercise

Activity may boost your digestion

Exercising may encourage beneficial bacteria to thrive in your intestines, while inactivity could do the reverse, according to a study from University College Cork, in Ireland. The findings suggest that, in addition to other benefits,…

Does Exercise Boost Weight Loss?

Are you afraid to exercise, in case it makes you hungry, so you eat more? Although it’s logical to assume that exercise stimulates appetite, this doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, when you exercise with high intensity, your appetite may…

Are You Jymmin?

Pain is often a consequence of illness, injury or intense physical exercises. A lot of adults suffer chronic pain and feel constrained by it. There are several options to help manage this. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human…

Why Group Exercise Is Better Than Solo

Whether you are a university student trying to get better grades, or an executive climbing the corporate ladder, or a stay-at-home mom attempting to multitask, life often turns stressful. This psychological distress can manifest as…

Can Exercise Slow Ageing?

Researchers from Brigham Young University in the US say they’ve found that a certain type of exercise can slow the ageing process within our cells, meaning we can enjoy better health and physical condition that matches the body of someone…