How To Keep The Passion And Keep Safe

passion safe sexEveryone loves to have sex and a lot of people have sex very often. Regular intercourse isn’t for everyone but even the least sexual amongst us will enjoy a good romp from time to time. The issue comes in contraceptives. They come in such a broad variety now and each has their own pros and their own cons. Choosing your contraceptive depends very much on who you’re sleeping with and what kind of sex you’re looking to have. The following is the top two along with their biggest draw backs and how to counter them. Sex is healthy, STD’s are not.


Condoms – One of the biggest issues with these rubber prophylactics is the time it takes to put them on. For those of you well practiced in the art, you’re looking at around thirty seconds, for those not so it could be longer. If you’re young and raring for it this could seem like a small eternity and if you’re older and arousal is more of a challenge than it once was, you may start to droop. This is where your partner comes in. It’s up to them to look after you as you’re clamouring to pull on the condom. They can stimulate other areas of your body or use dirty talk to keep you going. How they do it doesn’t matter.

Condoms also have the added benefits of protecting from STD’s and pregnancy. Most other contraceptives only protect from the latter.


Birth Control Pills – Very effective for most women, these comes in a broad variety. Oddly it’s this variety which causes the main issue with these contraceptives and provides the best solution to it. Some birth control pills might dull your sex drive or leave you with other less pleasant side effects. The best way of dealing with this is to see your doctor and ask to try one of the other brands of pill. There are quite a few varieties and at least one should work perfectly for you!

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