5 Tips To Ensure You’re Using A Condom The Right Way
Condoms are the only form of contraception that will protect you both from unwanted pregnancy and from sexually-transmitted infections (STIs). But many people are still unclear of exactly how to use a condom properly so it offers the most effective protection.
Here are 5 ways to practise safe sex by using a condom correctly.
- Don’t ever use a condom if the wrapper is damaged or if the condom is dry, brittle or torn. Only use condoms with the European CE mark on the box to show they meet safety standards.
- Pinch the tip of the condom to keep some space at the top once it has been rolled on to the penis. Make sure you’ve got the condom the right way up.
- Once rolled on all the way to the base of the penis, make sure there are no air bubbles and that you haven’t snagged the condom in any way. The latex or polyurethane is very thin and will tear easily, which will ruin its ability to do it job.
- Lubricants can improve the experience for both you and your partner. They make the sheathed penis more comfortable to receive, will reduce the risk of tearing and will stop the condom sliding up and down and potentially failing in its duty to keep all sperm in the tip. Only used water-based lube with latex condoms and don’t use too much as the substance will become sticky and unpleasant to touch.
- After ejaculation, remove the condom from the base, ensuring its contents don’t drip out, and place in the bin – don’t flush it down the toilet.
One final essential tip – if the condom tears or slips during sex, stop what you’re doing and put on a new one right away.
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