How to Lose Weight for the Summer Season

The summer season in the UK may be punctuated with grey skies, but if you’re lucky enough to find some sunny periods then you’ll want to be bikini ready. For many of us, this means eating better and upping our exercise, but it’s not always as easy as that. So, where do we begin? Here is an easy workout regime to get you beach ready in no time.


Toe Taps

Start in the plank position and place your palms under your shoulder, keeping your arms straight. Keep your back straight and your abs engaged, before bending your left knee and bringing your left foot up towards the outside of your left hand. If you can only get it halfway up, don’t worry. Step your left foot back to meet your right foot, maintaining the plank position again, then repeat with your right foot.



Keep your abs engaged and draw your left arm forward, whilst pulling your left back – do this while starting in the half-kneeling position. Exhale as you drive your left knee and right arm forward, holding briefly before returning to the starting position. Repeat on the same side for 15 seconds, before switching to the other arm and leg.


Triangle press-ups

Starting in the plank position, lift yourself up but allow yourself to flare outwards slightly to one side. Repeat on the other side, keeping your abs engaged throughout.




Beginning in the half-kneeling position, with your right foot forward and left leg back, bend both elbows. Keep your abs tight and engaged, then draw your left arm forward and your right arm back, as though you’re about to start a race. Drive your left knee and right arm forward, holding the position for a moment before returning to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.


Tummy Tucks

Starting in the plank position, use your strength to jump off the floor with both feet between your hands and landing in a low squatting position on the floor. When you’re ready, jump back into the plank position and repeat.

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