The Wellbeing Benefits to Exercising Outdoors

Loading ImageBefore grabbing your bag to head to the gym, it might be a good idea to think about the benefits of working out in the great outdoors as some research suggests it's better for your wellness. Gym memberships can be pricey, but putting the financial aspects aside, your health may be better off if you stick to outdoor pursuits.

Heart and Mind

Many of us can fall into a comfort zone when it comes to gyms – we use the same equipment in the same way at each session. They can also be appealing in the wintery weather when it seems too dark or cold to exercise in nature. But a study has shown that if you do find time to exercise outdoors, even if it's just a run in your local park, your heart and mind may thank you for it. Researchers from the University of Essex recently revealed that people who save their workouts for the natural environment generally felt better. Both men and women had higher levels of self-esteem and less feelings of tension and depression. This suggests that exercising in natural, green spaces doesn't only provide physical and financial positives but a general feeling of wellbeing too.

Clear the Air

Gyms are usually safe, warm environments; they tend to have showers, lockers and sometimes a cafe – not what you may get on the side of a windy hill in winter while you're out exercising! But statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency show that some indoor centres are more polluted than the air outside. This is because organic compounds can build up, especially in buildings that are poorly ventilated. Choosing the outdoors means that you get to breathe crisp air, while also having your pick of many fitness pursuits. If you miss the social aspect of gyms, then perhaps join a climbing or running club. For those looking for a complete change try kayaking or horse riding to make the most out of your natural fitness routines.

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