5 Health Hazards You Are Living With Right Now


By Meghan Belnap 


The tidy sanctums that are our homes should be the safest places on Earth, but appearances can be deceiving. Even the most spotless home can be dangerous to your family’s health without your knowledge. Here are five of the most common home health hazards and what you can do about them.



Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)


VOCs, found in everything from plastics to paints, are compounds that release toxic gases at room temperature. VOCs can be airway irritants, carcinogenic and damage your nervous system. To keep VOC levels to a minimum, use low-VOC paints and choose formaldehyde-free building materials, flooring and furniture.





Mold spores are always around us, but they become a health risk when they multiply. At best, they are allergens, and at worst, they can pose serious health risks. Preventing mold is as simple as preventing moisture buildup. Always fix leaks in your home right away, use a dehumidifier in humid months and use your bathroom fans. If you find mold, scrub the area with a mild bleach solution and make sure it dries completely.



Air and Fabric Fresheners


The ingredient lists for air and fabric fresheners read like recipes for chronic illness. They are often loaded down with known toxins, carcinogens and irritants. Many people are also allergic to air fresheners and do not even know it. Removing all plug-in and bottled air fresheners is just the beginning. Be wary of paraffin candles with artificial fragrances and warming fragrance diffusers as well.





Pet dander, dust mites and tracked in pollen can leave you sniffling from dawn until dusk. For those with asthma and severe allergies, the risks can be even greater. Reducing allergens comes down to good housekeeping. Vacuum regularly, replace your furnace filter and put HEPA-grade air filters in bedrooms. You can do this by contacting professional furnace cleaning companies in Edmonton like Always Plumbing and Heating. These businesses will help maintain a good air quality in your home.



Herbicides, Pesticides and Fertilizers


Every product you apply to your lawn can end up in your home. Herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers are easily tracked in by humans and pets. Once inside, they can pollute your air, rub into your carpets and even end up being ingested. The best way to avoid these products inside is to never use them outside. If you must, adopt a no-shoes policy inside, and wipe the bare feet of children and pets when they come inside.


The best way to avoid indoor health hazards to be careful of what you bring inside your home. By reading ingredient labels and wiping your feet, you can make your home the safe haven it should be.

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