Maintain Your Wellness with Dietary Supplements
With most things in life, you take preventative measures. You don’t wait to run out of petrol before you fill up your car, and you don’t wait until it starts raining before you think about buying a coat or umbrella – it’s common sense, and you should take care of your diet and wellbeing the same way.
There are more and more people choosing processed, fast foods and fewer nutrients in non-organic farm-grown produce, so your diet may not provide the necessary nutrients you need to maintain excellent health. A whole-food source provides a good multivitamin/mineral without iron which ensures the natural, rather than synthetic, forms of those nutrients. You should also find a potent antioxidant blend that contains high doses of certain vitamins and minerals, which will neutralise free radicals. There’s always going to be a new miracle pill out there, but all you need are the basics to maintain your wellness.
After that, you need as essential fatty acid blend like flax oil, borage oil and fish oil, preferably in one product. These oils store fatty acids in your body, so you can build healthy skin, hormones, cell membranes and more, and fish oils specifically work to reduce chronic inflammation.
Incorporating a probiotic blend is also highly recommended. Most chronic conditions start because your digestive tract is vulnerable, and this is where most of your immune system is. Probiotics help protect your digestive tract from invading pathological microorganisms, which protects your immune system. Probiotics also product some vitamins, and a good blend will have a diverse amount of helpful organisms, such as acidophilus, bifidus or saccharomyces.
Finally, there’s one more recommendation that’s up to your judgement. Your liver could use some support, as it has to battle food additives, medications, birth control pills, vaccinations, smog, fluoridated water, artificial sweeteners and beauty products containing propylene glycol and parabens. You might wish to use a liver support formula that emphasizes herbal ingredients over nutrients. This helps your body to deter using the nutrient to another purpose.
These basic ideas will help you maintain wellness, and stop ill health before it even starts. If you are unsure, consult your doctor.
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