You are the Dream Observer
Dreams are powerful things, they’re little windows into our subconscious and they function as a release for that very part of your mind. The way you see your dreams and the way you let them affect you could well help or hinder your life and it’s through harnessing these strange images and flashes that we can gain a true understanding of ourselves. You could say that all life is, is a long journey towards the understanding of the ever-mysterious self.
Some people will attach all sorts of significance to dreams, some will call them forewarnings of the future, others might see them spiritual side of them, some will call them the voice of God and many others will simply find them worrying and amusing in equal measure. It doesn’t really matter what you perceive your dreams to be, what matters is learning to harness them for your overall wellbeing.
Keeping a dream journal can be handy in this regard as, I don’t know about you, but I forget a dream very quickly after having it. The importance and depth of dreams are entirely for you to interoperate. You’ll need calm and peace before you begin, once this is achieved take yourself on a journey through the entire dream. Not as a participant but as an observer. Anything scary or harmful won’t hurt you, you’re calm and calculating. Observing in this way will let your subconscious make connection for you, sometimes these will seem strange or ‘out there’ but then your subconscious isn’t necessarily a rational thing, is it?
If you’ve tried this method and it didn’t work then find a trusted friend and walk them through it. Ask them what it seems like to them. A fresh set of eyes leads to a fresh perspective and some news ideas. They might not be right but they might spark a realisation in you!
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