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Positive Thinking
Lighting Up? Study Investigates Emotional Health of Smokers
While smokers may be known for “lighting up,” the phrase may not hold true for their emotional health. This is according to a new survey from Gallup and Healthways researchers, which found that smokers have worse emotional wellness than…
Scientists Find Way to Read Your Mind – With Brain Scans
Emotions are more to do with your wellbeing, rather than your health, right? Surely, you can’t scientifically quantify emotional health? Well, according to researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, you can. The team have…
How Charities Can Benefit From Your Car Donation
There are many charitable organizations that can benefit from donated vehicles like cars, trucks, RVs, boats, yachts, motorhomes and trailers. Regardless of what state you live in, you can easily find a charity that can accept your vehicle…
How to Make Your Lifestyle a Little Bit Happier
We may be living longer these days, but our quality of life, especially with regard to mental health, is hardly something you’d really want to prolong. We lead busy lives, packed with stress, take limited spans of vacation time, and we…
How To Care For The Sofas At Home
Of all the rooms in the house, the living room furniture ends up being the most elegant and, many times, the most expensive. It is the room that creates the main impression of your home and lifestyle.
Sofas in the living room can look…
The Colour of Happiness
Do you ever stop to wonder how the colours around you could affect your mood and wellbeing? Will wearing black all day long really make you depressed? Can working in a yellow room make you more energetic? Well, some people believe that…
Why Your Self-Esteem Affects All Areas of Your Wellbeing
Low self-esteem is more than just a problem of emotional health; it influences all areas of your wellbeing. From your relationship wellness and family interactions to your job performance and physical health, low self-esteem can infiltrate…
The Healing Power of Music: How it Affects Your Brain
It’s easy to see how music can affect your mental health; all you need is the right song on the radio to lift your mood – or a bit of Justin Bieber to send you into an unholy rage. However, according to wellness expert Molly Edmonds,…
Learn and Educate: Life after Your ADHD Diagnosis
An ADHD diagnosis can be an overwhelming blow to your emotional wellbeing. On the one hand, there are positive feelings that come out of finally explaining certain behaviours, and there’s comfort in knowing that many of your bad habits are…
The Gratitude Attitude: Can Being Grateful Make You Happier?
Emotional wellness, and you’re overall wellbeing, depends, in part, on being grateful for what you have. Success does not equal happiness, but recognising the successes you have achieved, and the little blessings you have in your life every…
How to Be Happier: Six Ways to Improve Your Outlook
Happiness: it’s everyone’s goal, isn’t it? Whether you try to achieve it through your relationships, family, work or hobbies, the pursuit of happiness makes up a large part – if not all – of your emotional health and wellbeing. Some people…
Could You Boost Your Brain Power With These Five Foods?
As you get older, it seems a simple fact of life that you will, one many occasions, be late for work because you just couldn’t find your car keys. However, if you’re sick of forgetting where you put them (or you want your boss to like you a…
Six Tips To Regain Your Quality Of Life After a Debilitating Injury
A debilitating injury can mean short-term or long-term injuries. In any event, this type of injury disrupts the lives of the individuals that it affects, which could lead to a lower quality of life. Many people become…
Does Positive Thinking Work?
We’re used to everyone from television celebrities to self-help gurus endorsing the benefits of positive thinking. And thinking positively has been linked to everything from becoming successful in business to recovering from a serious…
The 10 Simple, Sure-Fire Steps towards Mental Wellness
Having a strong sense of mental wellness doesn’t only guard you against mental health problems, but it determines the healthy function of your whole body. Studies have shown that stress, grief and depression can even lower your life…
Are British People Optimistic Or Pessimistic?
Is your cup half empty or half full? In Britain, we are often described as being cynical. So it might come as a bit of a surprise that new research has suggested Britain is generally more of an optimistic country than we might expect; our…
Psoriasis and Other People: How to Deal with Bad Reactions
Having any health condition can be damaging to your mental health, but psoriasis can be particularly upsetting. While many diseases show few visible signs, psoriasis is not so respectful of your privacy, meaning that you can…
Please Remember: 5 Simple Steps Towards A Better Memory
You’ve probably had that moment when you walk into a room and forgot what you were looking for, or you just can’t remember the name of the guy who sits opposite you at work. Studies have shown that memory loss can affect your mental…
Why Stress Is Bad And Mediation Is Good
There are broad areas of problems we may have in our lives for which there are no medical solutions. Or at least there isn’t an acceptable one. Drugging your way through life isn’t a way of dealing with your issues; it’s a way of delaying…
Conquering Negative Thoughts
One sure-fire route to better emotional wellness is to remove negativity from your life, but all of us experience negative thoughts swirling round in our heads from time to time. It’s natural human response to ruminate on bad experiences,…
Letter Writing Therapy For Emotional Wellbeing
It is important to express your feelings whether they are good or bad. Today there is a lot of hype about “being positive” and so much pressure to be happy, but sometimes we need to express what is upsetting us as well. In short, it’s okay…
Cultivating Positive Emotions For Your Wellbeing
Emotional medicine is an important tool to include in your wellbeing toolkit! Keeping a positive mindset and finding ways to experience joy are proven to have multiple health benefits, for mental health and physical wellness alike. Such is…
Creating Emotional Balance Through Qi Gong
Emotional health is coming to be valued at the same level as physical health in our society, which has learned the hard way what problems stress and depression can bring. A full state of emotional health relates closely to what one would…
Can Mental Health Problems Be Prevented?
How do you spot someone who is mentally healthy? Researchers state that those who are emotionally healthy are in control of their emotions and behaviour, able to face the challenges of life, maintain and build strong relationships and…
How Can You Tell If You Are In Good Mental Health?
All health and physical wellness is underpinned by mental wellness – but what exactly is mental wellness? This term is usually used to refer to mental health, but it is about more than that. It is a state of being where your body and mind…
Are You Enjoying Mental Health and Mental Wellness?
Many people understand what mental health is. It is simply a state of being when a person is not suffering from any kind of mental health issue or disorder. The person is therefore able to enjoy their life without the strains of dealing…
The Risks Of Suffering Head-Injury In Sports
Recent studies have revealed that brain-trauma within adolescents can lead to a propensity to commit crime in later life. This has alarmed some authorities leading them to offer greater guidance and advice on how today’s youth should…
How to Fight Fears: Six Tips to an Anxiety-Free Attitude
Fear is a funny thing. While some of us can’t “do heights” or public speaking, others find their emotional health and wellness shaken by garlic or the colour yellow (don’t believe me? They’re known as alliumphobia and xanthophobia,…
Our Top Ten Ways To Fight Your Fears
Anxiety and panic are two of the most common mental health problems in the UK. Although the effects can be scary and debilitating, it is often liberating to realise that this issue is in your head, and does not represent a larger health…
Why Daydreaming At Work Could Be A Good Thing
Are you the kind of person who gets bored at work, and finds yourself drifting off into a daydream? You might be imagining yourself on a desert island, or with a special someone, or you might simply be staring into space, your mind a blank.…