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Family Relations

Meet The Parents

Meeting your partner’s parents is an important landmark in any new relationship. Many people worry about this first meeting, concerned that they might say the wrong thing or not make a good impression. But if your relationship has…

How To Discipline Step-children

A rise in the number of divorces and second marriages means there’s no such thing as the ‘typical’ family anymore. And finding a new partner later in life often means accepting their children into your life too. Building a new family isn’t…

Manage Anger In Your Family

Do you have memories of growing up in a household where anger was a predominant emotion expressed? Were your parents or anyone in your family stuck being angry? Or do you find yourself angry with your loved ones at home, at times unprovoked…

Understanding Sibling Rivalry

One of the biggest challenges of parenthood is dealing with sibling rivalry and having to mediate arguments without taking sides or showing favouritism. Facing cries of “You always take his side,” or “She’s got more than me”, or even “You…

Should Gay Couples Be Able To Marry?

It’s common for 12-year-olds to spend their days watching TV, playing video games or hanging out with their friends – but Daniel Martinez-Leffew has a more noble use for his free time. In a heart-warming story, the northern California boy…