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Better Sex
Your Basic Guide To Erectile Dysfunction Remedies
Erectile dysfunction is a condition which many men suffer from as they get older. It’s one of two conditions which the internet claims to be able to cure more than any other (the other being baldness) and it can cause men a great deal of…
Cialis Could Be A Great Help To Men Who Struggle To Orgasm
There are all manner of sexual issues which can affect you at any age. Generally however, issues with erection and ejaculation tend to become more of a problem for men as they get older. For a long time it was thought that ladies were the…
Why Your Golden Years Might Be Better Than You Think
People have an awful lot of ill-founded preconceptions that were perhaps once based in fact but no longer really have any basis in reality. This is certainly true of our ideas of how the elderly should behave. Gone are the days of little…
Condoms Don’t Make Sex Less Pleasurable
The fact is, we all have sex and it’s fun, it’s something universally enjoyed but it’s also something which a lot of people have a lot of issues talking about. This taboo has caused all sorts of issues and in this day and age it’s totally…
Condoms Don’t Destroy Sensitivity, Don’t Believe Him Ladies!
Sex is full of misconceptions and strange myths. This is mainly because people still don’t like talking about it, they still see it as a taboo subject. A lot has changed in the last few decades and while it’s much more socially acceptable…
We’re All Virgins With Some People!
I'm sure you all remember your first time, either with a sense of mild embarrassment or with starry eyes. The truth is that whether it went well or terribly, it was so long ago now that it probably doesn't matter anymore. In a recent study…
What Do Women Want: New Book Explores Female Sexuality
Sex has a bit of a reputation for messing with your emotional health, especially when you’re just not getting what you want. While male sexuality is a little more straightforward, as a woman your sexual wellness is seemingly tied up in a…