Learn and Educate: Life after Your ADHD Diagnosis

adhd treatmentAn ADHD diagnosis can be an overwhelming blow to your emotional wellbeing. On the one hand, there are positive feelings that come out of finally explaining certain behaviours, and there’s comfort in knowing that many of your bad habits are just the result of a different neurological arrangement of brain tissue – it’s just biology! Adjusting to your treatment plan, on the other hand, can be stressful.

The key to maintaining emotional wellness after an ADHD diagnosis is to go slowly, and find what makes you feel comfortable as you adjust to your new definition of normal. Start by taking a few days to think over your diagnosis. Consider all of your questions for your doctor, write them down, and head back in to create a treatment plan. This tends to involve some or all of the following: a healthy diet, exercise, good sleep habits, meditation, coaching and medication. Ask your doctor to explain why he recommends certain factors, and be honest if you disagree. It’s fine to be interested in a second opinion or a doctor with more experience of Adult ADHD.

Next, arm yourself with information. When you have ADHD, you have rights you should know about, like the fact that you are protected against job discrimination by federal law. There is a wealth of resources and helpful tips online, whether you prefer reading articles, watching videos, or interacting in a support group or an ADHD coach. Any resource can give you a broad selection of advice on treatment plans, changing bad habits, modifying negative behavioural issues, minimising the secondary ADHD symptoms in your life, and more.

When it comes to sharing your diagnosis, it is a delicate situation and deserves special attention. In general, it’s a good idea to reveal your ADHD diagnosis to family members and close friends, as the changes you make to your habits and routines will impact their lives as well, so they deserve an opportunity to know what’s going on.

Plus, your loved ones will want to support you in any way they can, so sharing the information you have learned about ADHD with them can help them move past any outdated stereotypes they might have in their minds and give them the tools they’ll need to cheer you on. You’re under no legal obligation to reveal your ADHD diagnosis at work, and it might be best to simply dive in to your treatment plan privately and let your job performance naturally improve and speak for itself.

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