Break the Rules

When it comes to planning your garden, it’s easy to find advice in books and online about the rules you should follow such as how to choose colours that complement one another. The problem with rules is that they can stifle your creativity.…

Sleep Like a Baby

In the past parents regularly put their babies outside in their prams to give them a good dose of fresh air each day. But today many parents worry about babies being too hot or too cold and so keep them indoors more often. And with the…

The Colour of Happiness

Do you ever stop to wonder how the colours around you could affect your mood and wellbeing? Will wearing black all day long really make you depressed? Can working in a yellow room make you more energetic? Well, some people believe that…

Feeling Fruity

Having a well-stocked fruit bowl in your kitchen is a great way to make sure you eat your five recommended portions of fruit and veg each day. And if a lovely selection of fresh fruit is always available, you’re less likely to reach for…

Is Debt a Necessary Part of Modern Life?

Whether it’s a loan for a new car or a store card for your favourite clothes shop, it’s never been so easy to obtain goods or services now and pay later. And for some people, this means falling into an endless cycle of debt. But in today’s…

Should We Wait to Have Kids?

More and more people are waiting until their late thirties and beyond to have children. For some the reasons are financial; others simply want to enjoy life with no responsibilities before parenthood. But is it best to wait until later in…

Pylons and Cancer – Is there a Link?

Do you live close to electricity pylons? Are you worried about the health impact of these structures? If so, you’re not alone. For many years, people have questioned whether there could be a link between electricity pylons and cancers. Many…

Marvellous Meal Planning

Feeding a family isn’t always easy. Trying to create meals that are enjoyable, nutritious and affordable throughout the week can be a real challenge. One way to make things easier is to plan ahead. By creating meal plans for the week to…

Gardening without a Garden

As modern living accommodation becomes more compact, many people no longer have access to a garden of their own. Perhaps you live in a flat or apartment without any outside space or maybe your outside areas are paved or concreted. But just…

Natural High

Eco-therapy is a natural therapy that encourages people to spend more time outdoors – particularly in natural environments to boost mental wellbeing. As a philosophy, it’s nothing new – after all, in the past doctors regularly recommended…

How Clean is Your Oven?

Your oven is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your kitchen. Take good care of an oven and it becomes easier and more enjoyable to make delicious meals for you and your family. One of the most important aspects of caring for…

Time for an Outdoor Adventure

If you believe the stereotypes, it would seem that the children of today are more likely to be found in their bedrooms playing computer games than outdoors enjoying the natural environment. Perhaps one reason is that modern parents are more…

Back to the Past

Do you feel like you’re living life in a whirlwind? Is everyday rushed and frantic? Are you constantly struggling to keep on top of daily life? Do you wish you could live a simpler, more stress-free life that’s kinder both to you and to the…

Super Slow Cooker

Wouldn’t it be great to return from work to a delicious home-cooked healthy meal without having to spend hours in the kitchen? Well thanks to slow cookers, you can. These traditional kitchen gadgets are currently enjoying a resurgence in…