Maintain weight throughout even while holidaying
You need to have weight loss mindset to maintain your weight during the holidays and throughout the year. You can achieve this aspect of weight maintenance and remain healthy with your will power. If you have the weight loss mindset you don’t need to look out for any other means, e.g. online search to maintain weight etc…
Your mindset is 90% of your weight problems, or it could be 90% of the solution! Diet and exercise consist of 10% of the solution.
How do you know you have a weight loss mindset today? If you already have the required mindset and you maintain your weight, you do not need to search online for how to maintain your weight during the holiday season. Once you have a solid weight loss mindset, you’ll finally make weight loss and weight maintenance easy for yourself. You’ll finally be what you’ve been reaching for all these years when it comes to how you deal with food intake and your weight
To maintain your weight over the holidays there are of course the common sense things you can do, such things like: going for a daily walk, eating only when you are hungry, stopping when you are full, going to the gym 5 days a week for your workout.
How do you know you do not have a weight loss mindset today? Because you found this article! What would that feel like? To never again have to spend hours each week (or each day!) combing the Internet for diet and exercise tips? You know, only 10% of the solution to your weight problems!: “normal”.
But what do you do when you’re stuck in a rut because you already know all of that but you aren’t doing it? Well that’s a good question! Have you ever wondered why it is that 95% of dieters fail? How can that be when there is such a proliferation of healthy diet and exercise advice available, every time you turn around? The problem is that you do not and cannot do what you already know how to do. Since this is the case, you cannot maintain your weight during the holidays.
Once you have a solution to maintain your weight with ease, same applies while holidaying too.
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