How wellness routines can reduce the signs of ageing

Disguising the signs of ageing is easier for some parts of your body than others. Wrinkles around the eyes can be camouflaged with make-up and hair can be dyed to get rid of greys. As well as covering up the passage of time on your body, some wellness routines could actually reduce the signs of ageing, rather than hiding their appearance.

Find a focus

Although there are lots of options open to you when it comes to making your appearance look younger, not all aspects of your body will respond as well as others. Take exercise – this can improve your general wellbeing, making you look slimmer and toned. There are creams for eye bags and cellulite, but a part of your face that could prove tricky when it comes to anti-ageing is the skin around your mouth.

Say it with a smile

Our mouths start off the digestive process, help us communicate and can be a good indicator of our health. Because the muscle around our mouth works so hard it is prone to wrinkles, especially if you’ve ever smoked. There are ways to soften these lines or even delay their appearance, so you look younger for longer.

Generous with SPF

Most of us know that the skin around the eyes is very thin and it needs protecting from sun damage, but don’t forget to use an SPF cream around your mouth too. This will prevent this area from premature ageing, which is caused when collagen that keeps muscles taut deteriorates quicker because of UV ways.

Be caring

Collagen affected by sun damage can be bolstered with the right anti-ageing product. It’s more effective to get one designed especially for the mouth area, as lotions designed to go around the eyes may be too mild. Creams can penetrate deeply into the skin and encourage collagen to grow, which softens lines. A good beauty routine is essential to wash off toxins and keep your skin looking fresh. A natural scrub made from strawberries contains lots of natural acids that can reveal gleaming new skin cells.

Love life

Getting fit not only releases endorphins that make you feel energised but being active can benefit your skin too, as well as your wellbeing. Try and aim for some daily exercise, but be careful not to rush into training regimes that are too challenging. Stopping smoking and filling your diet with a range of fruit and vegetables will show in a healthy, youthful glow.

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