Ladies and Type Two Diabetes

Type two diabetes has all sorts of nasty effects for both men and women. It’s a condition which, if not taken seriously can eventually lead to death, but on the way it may blind you or lead you towards the painful road of amputation and gangrene. The news is far worse for ladies in their prime, type two diabetes has some gender specific complications just for you…


–                    Yeast Infections – High levels of blood-glucose can trigger a yeast overgrowth and as such your likelihood of a yeast infection becomes much higher than it otherwise would be. Once they’ve been diagnosed by a doctor, you can easily treat these conditions with remedies purchasable over the counter in most pharmacies but the increased likelihood will quickly become annoying.

–                    Birth control considerations – It’s more than possible for certain types of birth control to increase your levels of blood-sugar, specifically types of the pill. Try not to stay on these pills for more than a year or the danger of complications rises considerably.

–                    Pregnancy and Complications – Diabetes can affect you most strongly while pregnant and as such you should keep an even closer eye on your blood-glucose levels during this time to maintain both you and your babies health!

–                    Polycystic ovaries – This can cause infertility and those with this condition are much more likely to have diabetes. The connection hasn’t been found yet but researchers are working on this issue as I write this and hopefully a link will be found soon!


Remember ladies, type two diabetes is never a sure thing and even if you’re in a high risk group, there are all sorts of lifestyle changes you can make to ensure you never end up suffering from this condition. If you do get it there are all sorts of things you can to maintain your way of life and keep it under control, it’s imminently manageable and only when it gets out of control does it pose a health risk.

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