Asthma and its possible weight loss correlation
Asthma is a fairly understood and easily managed condition in its less severe cases, provided sufferers take adequate precautions in their day to day lives they’re able to function just like anyone else. It’s a respiratory disorder which, when triggered creates an inflammatory reaction in the airways, this reaction can be fatal if not treated but most asthmatics will carry an inhaler which can effectively counteract this.
Asthma cannot be completely cured but can be managed through the use of inhalers, other anti-inflammatory agents and through certain lifestyle changes. There’s long been known to be a connection between obesity and asthma but up until fairly recently it’s been unclear what this connection was. Scientists and doctors were unaware of how the one affected the other, but they were sure that they did.
In a recent study, researchers have decided to look at just that. They’ve put together a group of overweight men and women who all suffer from asthma. These people were then split into two groups, one was asked to exercise and eat a healthier diet to promote weight loss, the other was a control who simply continued to treat their asthma in the same way they always had. The study took place over a period of around ten weeks and showed some very interesting results.
It was found that for those who’d lost between 5% and 10% of their body weight had a much easier time managing their asthma and in most cases, their condition became much less severe. Researchers are suggesting that doctors now suggest this to all overweight asthma sufferers with the hope that they’ll have a better quality overall and have to take far less precautions for their condition. Just one more way that weight loss can help make life better, there are fewer and fewer reasons not to give it a go!
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