‘Oooh my aching bones’ Not something you’d expect from kids

Arthritis is a condition which you’d primarily associate with the elderly. It’s not something that you’d place with adults and especially not with children. The name itself conjures up images of old folk groaning about their aching joints and the prices of whatever these days. Unfortunately, as with a lot of things which are widely believed about certain illnesses, this belief is unfounded. Arthritis can affect you no matter who you are and no matter how old you happen to be.

Unfortunately, kids get arthritis too and it can be difficult for parents to tell if their child has it as, well, who’d ever suspect arthritis as the culprit when it comes to their children? Worry not though parents and carers, we’ve got you covered. The following is a list of complaints to look out for in your kids, any number of these things could suggest juvenile arthritis!

–       Join Pain. Possibly the best indicator of arthritis in adults, this is a much more common complaint in kids who’re boisterous and may strain or sprain muscles during play. Look out for pronounced limps or persistent pain in their hands and feet.

–       Swelling in the Joint. Also in the lymph nodes, if you noticed any at all then it’s probably best to just check with your doctor to be safe!

–       Irritability. Kids get grumpy but generally not for protracted periods of time, any prolonged change of mood could spell a more serious complaint. Look out for apathetic behaviour when it comes to playing with their peers.

–       Heat. A sensation of heat in their joints or a general weakness in the muscles surrounding them could both be strong indicators of juvenile arthritis.

–       Fever. A very high fever accompanied by a light pink rash which recur but do so infrequently without lasting too long, could be signs of arthritis.

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