Degenerative Arthritis – Causes and Remedies

What is Degenerative Arthritis?

Degenerative Arthritis or osteoporosis as the disease is medically termed, is the most common form of arthritis, afflicting millions of people and can go unnoticed for years. Initially, there is little pain with osteoporosis and will gradually increase in a patient’s body for a long time before a bone fracture or cracked vertebrae signal the problem.  In order to implement successful treatments for degenerative arthritis, it is necessary to understand the causes of the disease. This type of disease afflicts the bones and degenerate the skeleton through bone loss and brittleness.


It afflicts the bones and degenerate the skeleton through bone loss and brittleness.  This medical condition can strike at any time in a person’s life. It is mostly found among women after menopause, although some men do present with the disease.  This disease can permanently cripple patients who suffer fractures and degenerative bone loss which accounts for the condition called ‘Dowager’s Hump’ in elderly women


What is the cause of Degenerative Arthritis?

The general cause of this illness can be due to deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, calcium and magnesium as well as the side effects of certain medications used in kidney disease, alcohol consumption, depression and other diseases or lifestyle choices. This medical condition is treatable and generally preventable through certain health considerations.


It is caused by an autoimmune disorder and results in damage to joints and eventual deformity. Early diagnosis is generally the only option for dealing with the illness in a successful way. At advanced stage, degeneration can worsen to the point of making a patient immobile without chance of reversal.


What is the treatment for Degenerative Arthritis?

There are alternative treatments available for degenerative arthritis as well as rheumatoid Arthritis.   Many of the sufferers opt for the traditional approaches as well as non-traditional, in order to determine which is the best way to manage their illness. Some health care providers suggest lesser forms of pain management, which can prove to be helpful in some cases. Some alternative treatments can effectively relieve symptoms and some can even reverse some effects of the illnesses especially in non-life threatening situations.


Diet and exercise are equally important in treatment for rheumatoid arthritis pain.  It can slow down some damage to joints. Medications are a primary way of reducing the inflammation associated with the condition and differing medicine is used at varying degrees of illness. At times personal patience with a tenaciousness of turning over every stone for a medical treatment or alternative method is helpful for those who live with the difficulties of rheumatoid disease.

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