Mollel triumphs on home course

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NURU Mollel posted a marvellous score of four-under 40 points to win the K.N.R. Legal Golf tournament staged at the Arusha Gymkhana Club (AGC) over the weekend.


The upcoming AGC ace Mollel, who has plus one handicap, proved that he still has much left to his tank after winning the stable ford format event by three points.


The national team golfer overcame Francis Julius, handicap-5, who finished settled for the runner-up spot with one-under 37 in the youth-dominated Division A showpiece.


After a few month of silence, handicap-12 Peniel Uliwa returned 35 points to finish third on countback over Simon Travers, who currently guided the national ladies golf team that finished in third place at the All Africa Challenge Trophy (AACT) in Nairobi, Kenya and AGC secretary Richard Gomes handicap- 5.


Mollel’s impressive score saw his handicap improving to plus two. Handicap-17 Raju Singh Bhachu emerged top winner in the Division B on countback over other two opponents after he carded 34 points.


Tanzania Golf Union (TGU) treasurer Gelase Ruta, handicap-15 and Phillip Connelly, handicap-15, settled for second and third slots respectively.


Youthful Niher Manoj, handicap-32, collected 35 point in the Division C meet to take home top prize, with second position going to handicap-23 Aliabbas Somji, who carded 34 points.


AGC captain Robby Chadha thanked participants and those who supported the club to organise the event that brought together about 50 players.


Chadha told the ‘Daily News’ from Arusha that preparations are under way for the club to host bigger tournaments in near future.


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