Cheap dietary supplements: you get what you pay for!
Many of us have fallen prey to cheap products, especially now that the internet has made prices so competitive, and imported Asian goods are so readily available. An alarming trend of virtual ‘warehouses’ for drugs and supplements is effective in enticing thousands of consumers. But when you are searching for complementary supplements, does it make sense to do it on the cheap? The irony of purchasing cheap but harmful wellbeing supplements is clear.
Consumers will always be attracted to a saving, and it is this fact that has enabled the growth of cheaply manufactured drugs; both pharmaceutical and complementary. Such medicines can be cheaply produced in countries like China, where there are few regulations concerning quality control. Some of the horror stories about Chinese products recalled in the U.S. will be enough to put you off taking the risk with health products.
Chinese drywall sold in the U.S.A. between 2001 and 2007 ended up being a dangerous source of sulphur gas. The gas escaped from the drywall and led to a high incidence of illness, as well as damaging the buildings in which they were installed. Another recent scandal involved Chinese manufactured pet food, and led to tragic results for many dog and cat owners, who lost their pets due to melamine present in the food. Similarly disturbing news for human beings was recently thwarted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, who warned consumers to dispose of a Chinese-made toothpaste containing antifreeze.
Though there are many Chinese products that have not resulted in such problems, it is clear that the risk should not be taken with products that will be ingested. When seeking a wellness supplement you should establish in your own mind first that it is not a choice about which price compromises can be made. As with everything in life, giving in to concerns over money is not the course of wellbeing. Health should always be rated highest within anyone’s budget.
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