The Eight Things that the Depressed Brain Has Trouble Understanding

Dealing with depression is a constant battle. It is a fight against your brain for survival. Many people struggle with this debilitating and sometimes deadly disease. People with depression often have difficulty understanding what is going on in their own heads. The emotions and feelings can often be so complex and indescribable that it can be overwhelming. Understanding the mind of a depressed person is the key to shedding light on this condition.

Depression is a Cycle
According to professionals from the Utah Pathways Real Life Recovery clinic, depression is a vicious cycle that is fueled by deep issues of guilt and shame. It is so easy for human beings to feel vulnerable to these feelings and so the rain clouds of depression return frequently for some.

There is a Future Where Things are Different
Depressed people get stuck in the present and the problems that accompany it. They have a hard time understanding that there is a future where today’s problems are lessened or even eliminated. They also have problems seeing solutions to their present troubles.

Depression is a Medical Issue
Some people believe that depression is something they can “shake off” or that it will simply go away. Depression is often a result of chemical changes in the brain and hormonal deficiencies. These are medical issues that require treatment.

They are Loved and Needed
Many people with depression believes that nobody loves them or would miss them if they were gone. In most cases, there are people that care for them and would reach out to them during their depression.

There is Light in the World
The depressed person’s mind convinces them that everything is dark, sad and menacing. They have difficulty understanding that there is happiness and relief in the world. They have a hard time seeing the good in anything.

The Past is Behind Us
One of the most common symptoms of depression is ruminating, or reflecting endlessly on past troubles, mistakes and pain. This can mean reliving a traumatic experience again and again. Depressed people simply don’t have the power to move past these depressive thoughts.

There is Help
The depressed person has difficulty understanding that there is real help available for their suffering. Many people who suffer from depression feel alone and lost. They may feel there is nobody who can bring them out of the pain they feel.

Somebody Does Understand
Depressed people often don’t understand that there are other people who are experiencing similar pain to their own. They feel that nobody can fully understand what they are going through. There are counselors that can help, some of whom have been through their own bouts of depression.

There is real help for depression, but the person who is suffering often is not aware of this. They simply can’t understand that their brain is fighting them, and that there are resources available that can ease their suffering.


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