Sex education should start as early as 10: study

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Sex education should be imparted to children as young as 10 in order to curb unwanted early pregnancies, unsafe abortions, maternal deaths and STDs across the world, a new study suggests.


According to researchers at the Georgetown University, parents should shed their inhibition and talk to their young adolescents about sexual matters as young as age of 10.


Researchers say that sexuality begins emerging in ‘younger adolescents’, defined as those between 10 to 14 and this is the time when a kid may first experience changes in their body and start experimenting with sexual behaviours, ‘wallstreetotc.Com’ reported.


In case these the kids are not well informed about safe sex, they may take uncalled for and fatal risks, researchers said.


They said most of the sexual health programmes are not customised to target this age group.


According to the study, much more can be done to make younger adolescents aware about their sexual and reproductive health.


“If programmes are implemented at a time when adolescents are still malleable and relatively free of sexual and reproductive health problems and gender role biases, very young adolescents can be guided safely through this life stage, supported by their parents, families and communities,” researchers said.


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