Overworked and undersexed: Job stress can affect your libido and that’s bad news for your health
It’s a regular occurrence. A professional man, aged 30 to 70, arrives in my office to talk about erectile dysfunction. He averts his eyes, and says he can’t understand why this is happening. “Honestly,” he mutters, “it’s never happened before!”
So we’ll talk — and surprisingly often, it turns out the man is facing some sort of predicament at work. Job strain can have a profoundly detrimental effect on one’s sex life. The stress may be caused by anything from a new boss to rumored job cuts. Whatever the source, the problems at work often lead to problems in the bedroom. That’s when it’s time to go and see a doctor. Sex is not only good for your emotional well-being — it’s also really good for your health.
Years ago, the British Medical Journal published an interesting study that explored the relationship between sex and health. Beginning in 1979, researchers surveyed the middle-aged male residents of a town in the south of Wales about the frequency of their sexual interactions. They grouped the respondents into three groups — those who had sex twice a week or more, those who had sex once a month or less, and those in the middle. Even after adjusting for variables such as smoking, blood pressure and social class, the researchers discovered that mortality risk in the high-frequency sex group was less than half of that in the low-frequency group. Apparently, the more sex you have, the longer you’ll live.
And why not? Sex is good for us in all sorts of ways. It is, after all, a form of exercise. It may be a stretch to imply it, but it possibly conveys some flexibility benefits too. Sex functions as a stress reliever, and it confers intimacy benefits to relationships.
So how does job strain affect one’s sex life? First, let’s recognize that loss of libido and erectile dysfunction are very common, and become more prevalent as we get older. In varying degrees of severity, sexual dysfunction will afflict close to 20% of middle-aged men by their fifth decade.
Stress harms one’s relationship by affecting the frequency of sexual intimacy, which in turn causes more stress
The increasing intensity of our careers, with technology that keeps us just one click away from checking in on work, also plays a role. One psychological study examining the link between job stress and sex demonstrated that longer working hours and “the pressure to do more in less time” had a significant deleterious impact on sexual health. According to the study, which relied on data from European men, “the odds of experiencing one or more sexual health difficulties in the past 12 months were 1.8 times higher among men who reported the highest levels of workplace difficulties” compared to men who reported no work difficulties at all.
The danger here isn’t just a loss of the health benefits of regular and rigorous sex. A destructive spiral can result. Stress harms one’s relationship by affecting the frequency of sexual intimacy, which in turn causes more stress.
To prevent this downward spiral, I’ll talk to my patients about the various issues that are causing their stress. Sometimes simply helping my patients understand the association between stress and sexual difficulties can provide some peace of mind. It reassures them their problems likely aren’t permanent.
Next, I’ll often prescribe something to help my patient achieve an erection. This class of medication is remarkably effective and relatively safe. By using the medication, my patient will again achieve satisfactory sexual function. After using the meds repeatedly, he’ll regain his confidence, encouraging the resumption of more fulfilling sexual encounters. One day he’ll forget to take the medication and won’t even realize it until afterward. And in the meantime, he’ll address the stress in his life — either by reducing the sources of stress, or by learning more effective coping strategies.
So if you’re heading into a more demanding period in your career, consider addressing any potential intimacy problems in advance. Research shows that men who have regular intimate relationships with their partners are better able to withstand the effects of job strain on their sex lives. Sex is therapeutic. In fact, when I write a prescription for erectile medications, I’m basically prescribing more satisfying sex. And why not? Sex is one of the few things in life that not only feels good — it’s also good for you.
Dr. Scott Gledhill is a senior medical consultant for the Medcan Clinic. Dr. James Aw is on sabbatical. For more information, visit medcan.com.
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