Lower Back Pain Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

The degenerative disc disease is normally the reason why a person suffers from lower back pain. Although such disease may trigger the symptoms of lower back pain, there is still good news to this. That is- the pain is normally controllable with a variety of different treatment options.


Sufferer’s Goal

Majority of suffers of degenerative disc disease endure the symptoms of lower back pain that periodically flare up, although it doesn’t worsen over time. For these individuals, their major objectives for coping with lower back pain due to degenerative disc disease are the following:


  1. To get sufficient pain relief so they can engage in exercises for lower back pain and join in a healing program.
  2. To prevent the use of too much stress on the disc by means of appropriate posture and ergonomics.
  3. To try to control the lower back pain and be able to maintain the ability to effectively function at work and home.


Most kinds of surgery for continuing, incapacitating pain and failure to function due to degenerative disc disease are somewhat extensive, therefore it is normally for the benefit of many patients to be able to cope with lower back pain through non-surgical procedures and self-help. Eventually, lower back pain and other degenerative disc disease symptoms will gradually subside. Degenerative disc disease occurs as the disc begins to become firmer with age, and a firmer disc calms down the motion segment and hence lessens pain.



Lower Back Pain Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

The pain caused by degenerative disc disease is due to the mixture of the inflammation in the degenerated disc and the unsteadiness at the motion segment. Both the inflammation and unsteadiness need to be dealt with in treating back pain in order to be effective. To know more about back pain click here Spine Tech.


The treatments are even classified as active and passive. It is active when performed by the patient, and it is passive when it is performed to the patient. Normally, a mixture of treatments is utilized to help in controlling the symptoms.


Below are some of the passive treatments for lower back pain due to degenerative disc disease:


  1. Pain Medication

Usual pain medications used to cure lower back pain are NSAIDs, narcotic drugs, muscle relaxants, acetaminophen, and oral steroids. Each kind of medicine has strength, weakness and risks. The specific lower back problem of the patient and overall health are the determinants of which pain medication is necessary.


2. Epidural injections

This is injected through the spine to deliver steroids which can offer lower back pain relief be lessening the soreness in the affected area.


3. Massage

Therapeutic massage on the lower back is known to give lower back pain relief by enhancing blood flow, lessening muscle stiffness, escalating range of motion and increasing the levels of endorphin in the body.


On the other hand, below are active treatments for lower back pain:


  1. Exercise

For most sufferers, the only means to obtain long lasting healing is through active exercises. These exercises normally involved stretching to reduce low back pain, strengthening the low back to reduce pain, stretching and low-force aerobic exercises.


2. Stopping Smoking

Sufferers who also smoke are advised by their doctors to stop smoking in order to enhance their chance of healing and improve their blood circulation.


3. Weight Loss

In order to lessen the pain in the lower back, overweight sufferers should do something to lose weight. Once a sufferer loses weight, the quantity of stress in the ligaments and muscles of the lower back is also lessened.



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