How To Reduce Wrinkles And Maintain A Youthful Complexion

Modern lifestyles and a diet packed with fat, sugar and salt means it is sometimes hard to maintain a youthful complexion. Combine this with pollution, stress and lack of exercise, and suddenly this becomes a near impossible task. Although there are surgical treatments and expensive creams that you can buy in order to keep your face wrinkle-free but these are often not the most appealing choice.

There are safer options than surgery though, which also offer a cheaper alternative. There are, of course, natural beauty products which can help to improve the condition of your skin Opt for those with essential oils and vitamins in them which will be a healthy way of boosting the skin’s natural defenses. If you smoke, now is the time to give up too – not only does it cause respiratory problems, higher risks of cancer and lung disease, it also causes wrinkles around the mouth and eyes and a leathery complexion.

A diet rich in fruit in vegetables and fruit will have a positive effect on the appearance of your skin, providing it with essential nutrients. Try to cut out as many fatty and sugary foods from your diet as possible, as well as drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin and keep it as clear as possible. Nuts and seeds will provide your skin with beneficial oils and healthy fats, which will help to keep your skin supple and healthy too.

Avoiding the harsh UV rays of the sun is also crucial for developing youthful skin – once considered a healthy thing to do, sunbathing now is the ultimate in skin hazards. If you are heading out into the sun, be sure to avoid it when the sun is high in the sky, and seek shade wherever possible. By covering your body in a high SPF sun cream, and protecting your eyes and face by wearing shades and a hat, you can ensure you’re as safe as possible whilst still benefiting from the sun’s vitamin D-boosting rays.

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