How To Take Care Of Your Massage Chair

When you consider the price of massages, it can be worth making a one-off investment that gives you an ongoing physical therapy. For those people who want complementary treatments to play a core part in their lives, massage chairs provide the ideal solution. Anyone who is assured of the wellness benefits of massage will not hesitate in vouching for the advantages of a massage tool in your own home. Massage chairs are full automated massage solutions that you can take as an after-work treat every single day of your life. It isn’t difficult to imagine the profound effects this could have on your wellbeing.


If you do take the plunge you will be entering a whole new world of wellness! But before you drift away into an endless massage – here are a few tips to extend the lifespan and functioning of your new treasure.


Vacuuming – when vacuuming your chair be sure to use the soft brush attachment so as not to cause any damage to the fabric.

Cleaning – when necessary, wipe your chair with a damp cloth and be careful not to soak it with water. Wipe the fabric gently so as not to wear away the material.

Removing stains – be careful to use a high quality stain remover and test it out first on a hidden area of the chair to avoid the risk of marking the fabric.

Correcting malfunctions – first of all, be careful that you are confident dealing with any problems by yourself. If the chair manual or troubleshooting guide doesn’t cover your particular problem it may be best to contact the manufacturer for help, so as not to cause further damage yourself. However, common faults should be easily dealt with:


1. If the remote control fails, check the connections on the power cord. If they seem to be in order, the next thing to check it the connection between the wall plug and the place where the power cable meets the back of the chair. If the problem still eludes you, you could test the plug by unplugging the chair and trying other electrical items. Equally, try plugging your chair into an alternative power source to see if this makes a difference.


2. The fuse is another possible failing. Turn off and unplug everything, then unlock the fuse with a screwdriver. Replacing it is quite straightforward, provided you have purchased a fuse of the same type.


3. If the power system is in full working order, you need to look for other faults. The most common problems include a torn pulley belt, faulty motor, or a damaged PCB. All of these will require the assistance of the manufacturer in supplying substitute parts. If the chair fails to recline or incline, you can expect to find the source of the problem in a disconnected cable, or a faulty actuator. Attempt to correct the problem yourself if you feel confident; otherwise you will have to call on the manufacturer.

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