Chaos and Asthma: Why One Could Help the Other

Asthma is a bit of a vicious condition as it mainly effects children and young adults and it requires a great deal of understanding and care to treat effectively. I’m not saying that kids are incapable of such things, I’m just suggesting that they’re less capable and dependable than an adult generally would be. Of course the reverse is true in both cases. It’s just a shame that a child whose only job should be having fun and getting an education, should suddenly be entrusted with their own life in a very real way. If they fail to treat an asthma attack they could die, it’s as simple as that. Isn’t that terrifying?


It’s important that asthmatic kids are well versed on how best to treat their condition. This might include parents stepping in and making sure that all of the adults in that child life know how to deal with asthma, it will definitely involve a long period of teaching the kid how best to deal with the condition and if all goes well they should be formidable and more than capable of taking care of themselves. Of course nobody’s perfect and we all get caught out, which is why the people around them need to be prepared too.
The above is the perfect situation. A child is equipped and ready to deal with their condition. Parents aren’t always the bastions of support they should be however, not always through their own doing either. Some may work a lot to support their family and others may just not have the best relationship with families. Regardless of what causes it, chaos at home can destroy the child’s understanding of its own condition and leave it unprepared for when asthma strikes.


If you don’t think your child or any child you know is getting the support they need for dealing with their asthma than it’s best to try and make sure they see a doctor to talk through it with them. It’s rarely deliberate by the parents, they tend to get caught up in their own lives and simply overlook things. A gentle nudge could be all it takes to guarantee and child’s safety!



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