The E-Cigarette And Why Asthmatic Smokers Have It Easy

There are all sorts of ways to stop smoking. A huge industry has grown up around helping smokers quit and there’s a lot of positive media about which is dedicated to inspiring and helping those smokers get through the ordeal which quitting can be. This is great. You couldn’t ask for more really and with the recent innovation the e-cigarette now available and in use, there’s never been a better time to quit smoking!


The e-cigarette looks a lot like a normal straight-cut cigarette except that it’s totally electronic and doesn’t require ignition of any kind. The most harmful aspect of smoking is the tar which is inhaled as a cigarette burns, the tar isn’t the addictive portion of the cigarette and is simply a by-product of burning. The e-cigarette vaporises a nicotine solution which is then inhaled by the smoker, this is just nicotine without any of the poisons included in actual cigarettes meaning that e-cigarettes are relatively safe to use (though still addictive).


A new study in Europe recently revealed that in actuality the e-cigarette may not be all sunshine and rainbows. It’s such a new product that this is actually one of the first full studies done into it. The study showed that in non-smokers who used the device, respiratory resistance would rise by around 20%, this was shown to be the same for smokers without respiratory conditions. Oddly, in smokers with respiratory conditions such as asthma there was little or no change from smoking the e-cigarette. A genuine advantage to asthmatics, you can smoke the e-cigarette without any negative effects.
Truthfully, when compared to actual cigarettes the e-cigarette is pretty harmless and causes no lasting damage as far as scientists are aware. It’s still important to be aware that there are side effects and to expect them and not be surprised if they occur.



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