Nutrient May Be Natural Aid In Arthritis Symptom Relief

Natural remedies are much sought after in providing alternative therapy for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. This chronic, painful condition is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the joints. Products containing naturally occurring anti-inflammatory properties, such as omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin, can have a beneficial effect by reducing the inflammation that makes the joints swollen and painful. Grape seed extract is the latest product considered to have the potential to offer pain relief to rheumatoid arthritis patients.


Researchers have been examining the anti-inflammatory properties of grape seed extract to explore the possibility of using the product in treating rheumatoid arthritis. And the most recent study looked at the effects of grape seed extract on humans and in mice with the condition, revealing that grape seed extract can relieve the symptoms of the disease and actually halt the progressive degeneration of bone cells, known as osteoclastogenesis. The antioxidant benefits of grape seed extract also provided benefits to the cells of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The study concluded that the extract could be beneficial in treating rheumatoid arthritis.


Grapes have, of course, long been known for their health benefits and are a good source of antioxidants that help heart health. Grape seed extract are even richer in beneficial properties with greater concentrations of the likes of vitamin E, linoleic acid, flavonoids and the antioxidants known as OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes).


While research into the potential benefits of grape seed extract continue, patients with rheumatoid arthritis can safely incorporate taking a supplement containing the nutrient into their diet – look in health food stores or outlets for products that contain at least 95% OPC. It is always wise to consult with your GP before trying anything different when you’re on regular prescribed medication.

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